This summer, Université Paris Cité Libraries, in partnership with the Collège des Écoles Doctorales, awarded Open Science Certificates to the first cohort of PhD students who completed this new programme during the 2021-2022 academic year.

The certification is open to doctoral students from all disciplines enrolled in a thesis in a doctoral school at Université Paris Cité.

Designed as an extension of the Open Science training cycle, the certification enables doctoral students to apply the principles to their thesis work.

“The goal of this certification is to push doctoral students to go beyond the knowledge of the key principles, lead them to question how to implement in a concrete and practical way, the principles of Open Science in their own work and in the way they do research on a daily basis,” explains Élise Breton, Director of the Training Support Unit at the DGDBM.

The certification is validated after completing of a series of assignments during the year and through presenting a final oral presentation before a jury composed of librarians, teacher-researchers and teacher-researchers specialized in Open Science. The goal is to present a real-life application of Open Science to one’s research work. The first participatants have worked on topics ranging from encoding 16th century poems to publishing a data paper on geographic data.

The “Open Science” certificate will enable the 9 PhD students to develop their skills in an increasingly demanding, competitive French and international research environment. It also provides them additional training hours.

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