The GRIP seminar Towards a non-hegemonic social sciences organises a new cycle of conferences 2021-2022. Have a look at the new program!
©Seminar poster – Towards a non-hegemonic world-

For the past thirty years, debates on a global scale have shown us a sociology torn between North and South, between unity and fragmentation, between methodological nationalism and methodological fluidity, between Western hegemony and the temptations of indigenisation. However, the history and the chammenges of these discussions are little known in France. Each year, this GRIP seminar welcomes various French and foreign researchers working on the question of hegemony in the social sciences, from sociology or other disciplines, always with the aim of encouraging reflection on the future of disciplines within the framework of global and non-hegemonic social sciences.

Organising details

Directors : Stéphane Dufoix, Paris-Nanterre et Institut universitaire de France and Marie Salaün, Université Paris Cité

Partners : Collège d’études mondiales (FMSH) et du Global Research Institute of Paris (GRIP-Université Paris Cité)

Address where the sessions will take place : 54, boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris, salle B1-01 (1er étage)

Wednesday 10th November 2021, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker: Federico Ferretti , Université de Bologne

Title: Géographies critiques latino-américaines et décolonisation des sciences

Wednesday 8th December 2021, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker : Jason K. Arday Durham University

Title : Attempting to break the chain: reimaging inclusive pedagogy and decolonising the curriculum within the academy

Wednesday 12th January 2022, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker: Marie Salaün , Université Paris Cité

Title: Décoloniser l’école en décolonisant les savoirs? Portée et limites d’une stratégie vues du Pacifique insulaire

Wednesday 16th February 2022, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker: Marcia Consolim , Université fédérale de São Paulo

Title: Les sciences sociales brésiliennes dans l’entre-deux-guerres : circulation internationale et modalités de réception

Wednesday 9th March 2022, 5.30-7.30PM

Speaker: Per Wisselgren , Université d’Uppsala

Title: Alva Myrdal and Cold War International Social Science: Visions, Practices and Geopolitics at UNESCO, 1950-1955

Wednesday 13th April 2022, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker : Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo, LAIOS-EHESS

Title : La sociologie globale à l’épreuve de ses origines : enquête sur l’expansion du domaine d’une science du social

Wednesday 11th May 2022, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker: Barbara Glowczewski, CNRS – Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale

Title: L’anthropologie à l’épreuve des voix et des luttes des acteurs et actrices de terrain

Wednesday 8th June 2022, 5.30-7.30 PM

Speaker : Lucia Quaquarelli, Université Paris-Nanterre et Myriam Suchet, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle

Title : Indiscipliner la traduction

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