diiP Summer School: June 10-14, 2024
The diiP is organizing a Summer School on Data Science (with a focus on deep learning data analytics techniques), on Jun10-14. Read the details below, and register now! The first diiP Summer School on Data Science (dSDS) will be held...
diiP Projects Day: December 6th, 2023
Join us for the diiP Projects Day, an in-person event that will highlight past and upcoming projects, offer opportunities for discussions and networking, and host Prof. Joseph Sifakis (Turing Award winner, 2007) for the last Distinguished Lecture of 2023....
diiP Workshop Day: June 7th, 2023
Join us as we celebrate another edition of the diiP Workshop Day! Keynote speakers Prof. Michael J. Franklin (University of Chicago) and Dr. S. Mostafa Mousavi (Stanford University, Google) will be presenting, as well as the 2023...
diiP Projects Day: December 7, 2022
Join us for the diiP Projects Day, an in-person event that will highlight past and upcoming projects, offer opportunities for discussions and networking, and host Prof. Stratos Idreos (Harvard University) for the last Distinguished Lecture of 2022....
“Machine Learning in Experimental Sciences”: an event by Graduate School Chemistry and the diiP
On July 12th, 2022, the Graduate School Chemistry is organizing its first annual event on the theme of “Machine Learning in Experimental Sciences” in partnership with the diiP (Data Intelligence Institute of Paris). The objective of...
diiP Workshop Day: Data Intelligence Problems and Ideas
Join the diiP as we host our first in-person event and bring together this year's projects during the diiP Workshop Day: Data Intelligence Problems and Ideas. All the information is listed below. The diiP cordially invites you to its...
diiP Projects and Networking Day 2021
The diiP is organising a Projects and Networking Day, where all its current and future projects will be presented. It will also be an opportunity for all to network! Le diiP organise une journée de Projets et de Réseautage, où tous ses projets, actuels et...
#DidYouKnow: is the future of information in danger? An Event at the Festival of Ideas
Fake news and conspiracy theories have overwhelmed the media and the public debate. How worried should we be? The Festival of Ideas (Festival des Idées), a three-day festival held in November, will feature a discussion organised by the diiP on this very topic. Details...
18th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (IFIP NPC)
High-Performance Computing and Big Data are two main areas where NPC 2021 will provide a dynamic forum to explore, discuss and debate state-of-the-art technology issues and challenges. High-performance computers and big-data systems are tied inextricably...
October 1st, When AI meets Biology: a workshop
Three research federations in complex systems (IXXI), systems biology (BioSyl) and machine learning (Scidolyse) have decided to join their forces to organize a one-day online workshop on AI - Bio on October 1st. This will be a...
diiP Interdisciplinary Projects Day 2021
On June 30, 2021, diiP hosted the Interdisciplinary Projects Day, where all 16 projects got together and showed their progress. It had been 6 months since the 16 diiP projects have started their work. The two diiP research associates...
diiP Official Kick-off Event
In September 2020 the Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP) started operations. Following its first call for proposals, 13 Masters Projects and 3 Strategic Projects were selected for 2021. In order to present these projects, and celebrate its birth,...