An escape game on the Grands Moulins campus?! Is it possible to escape from an analysis room in the chemistry building?  Students from EIDD have developed life-size escape games that allow you to navigate between the rooms of the Lavoisier building.


Illustration of an escape game created by students in the Materials and Nanotechnologies course

First-year students in the Materials and Nanotechnologies specialty were given a mission: creating an escape game in the Lavoisier building (UFR Chimie, opposite the EIDD). From the design of riddles to the staging of the clues, they did everything possible to help laboratory interns to escape from the nanomaterials analysis rooms.

Escaping from one of these rooms is not easy. Luckily, a famous old scientist has left his manuscript to the EIDD students and adventurers who have come to face this escape game. As interns in a large laboratory, will these adventurers find the exit codes for the DRX, the ICPMS or the DLS? Will they come out of these rooms unscathed?

As a team, the Materials and Nanotechnologies students have succeeded in designing an imaginary universe where their nanoscience course is omnipresent. The escape games created are:

  • Alice in Nanoscience Land;
  • Panic in Lavoisier;
  • Quanta trip;
  • Bomb alert.

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