19 May 2023 | EIDD, Interview, school life
Varun Deb is an Electrical and Computer Engineering major at Princeton University minoring in Finance and French, where he is also a member of the Men’s Lacrosse team. He speaks 6 languages, and has been to over 20 countries, and he’s Princeton’s first ever...
16 April 2023 | EIDD, seminar
Fifth date proposed by EISD as part of its cycle of seminars on the theme of Social and Environmental Responsibility. Second seminar on 12/04/2023, from 17:30 to 19:30 in amphitheater 13E Speaker : Quentin Couix (Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne) Title:Brief history...
11 April 2023 | EIDD, Student_project
The work of our first and second year students in French classes honored in two representation… Congratulations to our students and their teachers for this great performance… Proud of our students… 💪 #hardwork
11 April 2023 | EIDD, seminar
Fourth date proposed by EISD as part of its cycle of seminars on the theme of Social and Environmental Responsibility. Second seminar on 12/04/2023, from 17:30 to 19:30 in amphitheater 13E Speaker : Michel Dubois (sociologue CNRS) Title: Ethique de l’ingénieur...
6 April 2023 | EIDD, school life
From April 18 to 20, 2023, students are called upon to elect their representatives to the board of directors, faculty councils and commissions, and internal component management boards. These elections will take place electronically from Tuesday April 18, 2023 at 9...
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