This international conference and reference book project starts from the idea that cosmopolitanism is a situated cultural production, born of the European Enlightenment, which is guilty of perpetuating epistemic injustices and betraying its ultimate aspiration of inclusion. It is worth asking whether cosmopolitanism can survive the critique of its allegiance to the Western hegemonic universal. The cosmopolitan approach is rooted in both normative and factual perspectives, all of which are embedded in the dialectic of Ego and Other, of the universal and the particular. On the basis of an abundant scientific literature, it is possible to postulate that cosmopolitanism, although originally Western in origin, far from reducing others to subalterns, makes possible an understanding of a plural and shared world. From the universal horizon of Humanity captured in its different forms of life and claims comes what we call “everybody’s cosmopolitanism” (in reference to Gertrud Stein’s book, “Everybody’s autobiography”): these are forms of cosmopolitanism that draw the possibility of an inclusive and just world, precisely through the encounter with others and by submitting to the test of others, that is, by receiving their criticism.