«Récits confinés» is a participatory scientific research project that aims to document, collect and understand “first-hand” the experiences of individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic in France and Italy.
The aim is to understand the evolution of individual and social behaviours that may occur during the containment period and in the post-containment period. The objective is also to raise awareness of the documentation of everyday details that will constitute the archives of tomorrow, necessary for understanding the population’s experience of the health situation.
The methodology is participatory and “on the spot”: it called on the free contributions of the participants by means of a notebook to be filled in on a daily and weekly basis in order to collect speeches and experiences as close as possible to the lived situation. The notebook templates were made available every Monday and for 15 weeks, from 16 March to 28 June 2020, on the project website.
The interest is also to understand the evolution of certain behavioural variables according to the temporality of the pandemic. This project aims to understand how individual mobility is negotiated in a context of health risk, as well as the forms of socialisation that are put in place or maintained.
It will also serve to measure the impact of the situation on perceptions of the epidemic risk and health hazards, on hygiene practices and the relationship with contagion, on food practices and on the conditions of professional activity.
Keeping the containment booklet also allows the participant to keep a record of his or her experience during this period, to write down his or her own archives. An individual report will be made to each participant.