PhD Scholarships
Several PhD Scholarships (supported by the ANR Data Intensive Artificial Intelligence -DIAI- project) will be offered by diiP (starting on academic year 2021-2022) for students working on interdisciplnary projects on topics related to data intensive artificial intelligence.
Presentation of the DIAI project
Extracting knowledge from the data means that we need to perform analysis tasks that are becoming increasingly complex as the amount of data, the number of observed variables, and the levels of noise (e.g., when measuring weak signals) in the measurements grow. Therefore, we are in need of novel methods that can cope with the scale of data and complexity of tasks that we face across applications in different domains. In this context, we need to develop new techniques that will advance the state of the art in the areas of data analytics, data science, and data intelligence (including artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning).
Scope of scholarships
These scholarships, which are proposed in the context of the 2019 Data Intensive Artificial Intelligence (DIAI) project that is co-funded by ANR, will support 12 PhD students (6 starting in 2021, and 6 in 2022), working on topics related to the intersection of data management/data analytics and machine learning/artificial intelligence, in order to address fundamental interdisciplinary challenges related to data analysis in modern science, industry, and society.
Find out more about the selected projects for 2021 here.
PhD/ DIAI projects
Deeply Learning from Neutrino Interactions with the KM3NeT neutrino telescope
2022 PhD/ DIAI Projects @AstronomyParticle physics and graph neural networks Santiago PENA MARTINEZ Project Summary A new generation of neutrino experiments is in the horizon looking to explore many of the open questions on neutrino properties and searching for...
Metamorphoses and optimal transport for the multimodal registration of brain tumor images
2021 PhD/ DIAI Projects @ED386PhD studentGuillaume Serieys (MAP5, Université Paris Cité, CNRS) SupervisorJoan Alexis Glaunès Project Summary Medical imaging often involves nonlinear space-valued images, where pixel or voxel values belong to more complex...
Learning the magneto-ionic side of the turbulence in the interstellar medium in radio-astronomy
2022 PhD/DIAI Projects @AstrophysiqueJack Berat(LPENS, UPC)Project Summary The phase transition from warm neutral medium to cold neutral medium in the interstellar medium (ISM) is affected by the magnetic field. The polarization of the synchrotron emission is one of...
Leveraging multivariate geophysical and geochemical time series for monitoring volcanic systems: can we use machine learning?
2022 PhD/ DIAI Projects @Matthieu NougaretPhD student at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. Doctoral school 560.diiP, IdEx Université Paris Cité, ANR-18-IDEX-0001. Charles Le LosqUniversité de Paris, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRSLise...