Masters Internships
Every year 10 Masters-level student Internship Projects on data science will be funded (typical funding scale: €3,500). The projects should be interdisciplinary, and advance the state of the art in terms of novel designs/solutions/systems/results related to data science and data intelligence. This action will be coordinated with the relevant MSc programs of the partner institutions, but will also be open to students from other universities, in order to ensure a high-quality cohort of interns. The interns will have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from different disciplines, and gain experience on real research problems.
2022 Call for proposals (closed)
The diiP institute will support interdisciplinary projects that advance the state of the art in terms of novel designs/solutions/systems/results related to data science and data intelligence. Thanks to additional financing, diiP will support projects related to fairness of AI algorithms and to detection/analysis of disinformation (a.k.a. fake news).
The diiP institute will pay the stipend of the intern (as specified by the university), for a period of up to 6 months (up to €3,500). The internships should take place between January-August of the following calendar year.
The leader of the project (principal investigator) must be affiliated with one of the diiP partner institutions: Université Paris Cité, SciencesPo, Université Sorbonne Nord, and INED. Collaborations among partner institutions and synergies with other interdisciplinary IdEx institutes at the Université Paris Cité are encouraged.
This call is now closed.
2022 second call for proposals (closed)
The diiP institute has the possibility to fund some extra Masters projects for 2022. If you have not submitted an application to our first call, you can now apply until October 29, 12 noon (Paris time).
Please follow the guidelines and instructions on how to apply.
This call is now closed.
Deep learning-based prediction of protein-carbohydrate interactions
Tatiana Galochkina ➔
Automated segmentation and clustering of spICP-ToF-MS time series
Mickael Tharaud ➔
DNA methylation in patients: A new meta-analysis of EPIC data across borders
Maud De Dieuleveult ➔
Identification of image circulation by AI in large collections of historical photographs
Daniel Foliard ➔
Deep learning for estimating gas concentration maps from satellite or airborne hyperspectral images
Andrés Almansa ➔
Blind Image Deblurring via Latent Diffusion Models
Andrés Almansa ➔
Investigating Diffusion Models for Astronomical Image Deconvolution – boosting the synergy between Euclid and LSST
Alexandre Boucaud ➔
Biomarker prediction from images of histological slides of cancerous tissues
using modern AI techniques: comparisons of different neural architectures
Nicolas Loménie ➔
Compact representations to detect gravitational waves from extreme-mass ratio inspirals
Quentin Baghi ➔
Towards design of protein knottin using deep learning
Jean-Christophe Gelly ➔
Exploring the similarities of a large bank of protein pockets in a perspective of
multiple protein-ligand interactions prediction
Anne-Claude Camproux ➔
Deep Mendelian Randomization: explaining causality between different hereditary traits at genome-wide scale
Marie Verbanck ➔
Modeling conditioned place preference test for evaluation of addictiveness of substances: toward experimental design optimization & smart data analysis
Emmanuel Curis ➔
Diffusion Models Based Visual Counterfactual Explanations
Valerie Mezger ➔
OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 data for the production of environmental indices for demographic studies
Sylvain Lobry ➔
Mining molecular dynamics open data
Pierre Poulain ➔
Prediction of protein-carbohydrate binding sites using deep learning methods
Tatiana Galochkina ➔
Exploration of press articles related to Covid-19 at the European level within the Covid-19 Museum
Yves Rozenholc ➔
Machine Learning for Photometric redshift estimation of LSST galaxies
Simona Mei ➔
Deep learning to model genetic pleiotropy to understand the human genetic architecture
Marie Verbanck ➔
Generalization of a method enabling to update vineyard geographic databases from satellite data
Camille Kurtz ➔
Diffusion Models Based Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation to Reveal Subtle Phenotypes
Valérie Mezger ➔
Enhancing earthquake location with domain adapation
Leonard Seydoux ➔
Monitoring the seismic activity of Mayotte through image processing of fiber optic signals
Lise Retailleau ➔
Automatic detection and location of hydro-acoustic signals linked to Mayotte submarine eruption
Jean-Marie Saurel ➔
Investigating regulatory B cell differentiation and their therapeutic effect in neuroinflammatory disease through single cell analyses and computational biology
Simon Fillatreau ➔
Transcriptomic Analysis using Intensive Randomization
Dorota Desaulle ➔
Random projections for the reduction of gravitational wave template banks
Eric Chassande-Mottin ➔
“Search for features in astrophysical objects close to cosmic neutrinos”. An indirect approach to cosmic neutrino association with astrophysical objects
Yvonne Becherini ➔
Multiple imputation for heterogeneous biological data
Matthieu Resche-Rigon➔
Tracking auto-immune diseases in electronic health record
Maud De Dieuleveult ➔
Modeling genetic pleiotropy using machine learning to understand the human genetic architecture
Marie Verbanck ➔
Combining visual and textual information for enhancing pathologic case retrieval systems in radiological practices
Florence Cloppet ➔
Veracity assessment framework for discovering social activities in urban big datasets
Soror Sahri ➔
Deep Learning-based EEG Epilepsy Detection and Analysis
Jerome Cartailler ➔
Inferring cultural transmission of reproductive success through machine learning methods
Frédéric Austerlitz ➔
Large image time series analysis for updating vineyard geographic databases
Camille Kurtz ➔
Smoothing of incomplete air pollution regions of interest from satellite observations
Laurent Wendling ➔
Combining visual and textual informations for enhancing image retrieval systems in radiological practices
Florence Cloppet ➔
Automatic production of environmental indicators from freely available remote sensing data: from a global to a local scale
Sylvain Lobry ➔
Digital Pathology: when AI meets with anatomo-pathology
Nicolas Loménie ➔
Machine learning model of volcanic lava properties helps understanding the dynamics of volcanic eruptions
Charles Le Losq ➔
ComplexNeuroViz: Complexity Visualisation for Neural Machine Translation
Nicolas Ballier ➔
Machine learning for the study of EEG data recorded during general anesthesia
Laurent Oudre ➔
Influence of blood pressure and aqueous humor dynamics on the response to glaucoma medication: a data-driven computational study
Marcela Szopos ➔
Machine Learning techniques applied to eye movement analysis for early screening of learning disorders in young children
Zoï Kapoula ➔
Artificial Intelligence for source deblending in the next generation of astrophysical big data imaging surveys – Combining Euclid and LSST
Marc Huertas-Company ➔
Malvasia – MAchine Learning to VAlue Single Interferometer Analysis
Agata Trovato ➔
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