Masters Projects
+Computer Science
#protein-carbohydrate interactions
#deep learning
#structural bioinformatics
Project Summary
to be updated.
Tatiana Galochkina
Projects in the same discipline

Mining molecular dynamics open data
2023Masters Projects@Biology +Computer Science+Linguistics #RNA modeling#force-field optimization#biomolecular simulations Project Summaryto be updated. Pierre Poulain Projects in the same discipline

Optimization of a physical force-field for simulations of non-coding RNA molecules
2022 Masters Projects @Biology +Computer Science+Physics/Astronomy #RNA modeling#force-field optimization#biomolecular simulations Project SummaryThe importance of the study of RNA molecules has been highlighted by the recent pandemic, with the SARS-CoV-2 virus...

Inferring cultural transmission of reproductive success through machine learning methods
2021Masters Projects@Biology +Computer Science+Mathematics/Statistics+History #Bioinformatics#Population Genomics#High computationnal statstical methods#Population history Project SummaryCultural transmission of reproductive success has been observed in many human...

Modeling conditioned place preference test for evaluation of addictiveness of substances: toward experimental design optimization & smart data analysis
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