Two new appointments to the Management Board !

Two new appointments to the Management Board !

The EIDD Management Board has two new external members: @Silvia Mariani and @Jean-Renaud Billuart. The school’s management team and the president of the management board, @Claire Loiseaux, welcome them to the EIDD! A former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de...
Appointment of Mr Askenazi to the Development Council

Appointment of Mr Askenazi to the Development Council

The EIDD Development Board has a new President, Benjamin Askenazi, Head of Tech Sciences Team at L’Oréal. An optician engineer by training, Benjamin Askenazi studied at the Institut d’Optique (ParisTech) and Imperial College (London), then a PhD at Paris...
An educational outing around street art

An educational outing around street art

Back in pictures on the educational outing of the EIDD students around the discovery of a guided tour by an expert on the history and practice of street art and graffiti and a conceptual introduction to the development of graffiti (realization of a mural). Thanks to...
EIDD fifth Parisian engineering school!

EIDD fifth Parisian engineering school!

The results of the Figaro ranking of French engineering schools accessible after two years of preparatory scientific classes have just come to a close: Among the 87 classified schools, the EIDD rises to...
Climate Fresk at Eidd

Climate Fresk at Eidd

EIDD has just successfully held its first workshop «Fresque du Climat», on Thursday 7 September. As part of the training in social and environmental responsibility of its students, the EIDD engineering school has integrated since this year the animation of a workshop...
In Memoriam Professor Jean Klein

In Memoriam Professor Jean Klein

Professor Jean Klein passed away last July 29th. The Denis Diderot Engineering School has lost one of its greatest friends, a major author of its creation and our tutelary figure during the first years of the development of the School. Jean Klein was a great...