Data Intelligence Institute of Paris

The Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP) is an interdisciplinary initiative of Université Paris Cité. It is a laboratory that fosters and supports the emergence of interdisciplinary practices around data science and data intelligence. It gathers researchers from formal sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and social sciences.

“The mission of diiP is to foster a new wave of scientific discoveries by enabling scientists and practitioners to make sense of their large and complex data, and achieve breakthroughs that would not otherwise be possible.”

Prof. Themis Palpanas

Director of diiP


diiP Projects

PhD Scholarships


Several PhD Scholarships (supported by the ANR Data Intensive Artificial Intelligence -DIAI- project) will be offered by diiP (starting on academic year 2021-2022) for students working on interdisciplnary projects on topics related to data intensive artificial intelligence.

Strategic projects


The diiP institute will host and partly finance a small number of interdisciplinary Strategic Projects, of duration up to 12 months each, with the goal to contribute to both the analysis and implementation aspects.

Master’s Internships


The diiP institute will organize and finance several six-month Masters students Internship Projects on data science, in connection to interdisciplinary collaborations.

Deep Mendelian Randomization: explaining causality between different hereditary traits at genome-wide scale

2024 Master's Projects@Mathematics/Statistics #Mendelian Randomization#Deep Learning#Double Machine Learning#Genomics#Pleiotropy  Project Summary Mendelian Randomization is a method that infers the causality between risk factors and diseases using genetic variants as...

Inferring cultural transmission of reproductive success through machine learning methods

2021Masters Projects@Biology +Computer Science+Mathematics/Statistics+History #Bioinformatics#Population Genomics#High computationnal statstical methods#Population history  Project SummaryCultural transmission of reproductive success has been observed in many human...

Combining visual and textual information for enhancing pathologic case retrieval systems in radiological practices

2022Masters Projects@Computer Science +Medicine #Case Retrieval#Machine Learning#Contrastive Learning#Variational AutoEncoders Project SummaryThe field of diagnostic imaging in Radiology has experienced tremendous growth both in terms of technological development...

Deep learning to model genetic pleiotropy to understand the human genetic architecture

2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Mathematics/Statistics+Biology #Pleiotropy#Deep Learning#Convolutional neural network  Project Summaryto be updated. Marie Verbanck Projects in the same discipline

Combining visual and textual informations for enhancing image retrieval systems in radiological practices

2021Masters Projects@Computer Science +Medicine #medical imaging#computer vision#content-based image retrieval#data intelligent search#deep learning#fusion of image and text#MRI Project SummaryThe field of diagnostic imaging in Radiology has experienced tremendous...

Machine Learning techniques applied to eye movement analysis for early screening of learning disorders in young children

2021Masters Projects@Neuroscience +Computer Science #eye movement#learning disorders#machine learning  Project SummaryThere is a longstanding controversy about the existence of eye movement disorders and their role in dyslexia and school learning disorders. Using...

Statistical and machine learning methods for survival data: prediction, performance assessment and interpretability

2021PhD/ DIAI Projects@ED 386 : Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre PhD studentAriane CWILING(MAP5, UPC) SupervisorsOlivier BOUAZIZ (MAP5, UPC)Vittorio PERDUCA (MAP5, UPC)  Project Summary (Former title: Machine Learning for Survival Data Prediction with...

Deeply Learning from Neutrino Interactions with the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

2022 PhD/ DIAI Projects @AstronomyParticle physics and graph neural networks Santiago PENA MARTINEZ Project Summary A new generation of neutrino experiments is in the horizon looking to explore many of the open questions on neutrino properties and searching for...

Deep learning for estimating gas concentration maps from satellite or airborne hyperspectral images

2024 Master's Projects@Mathematics/Statistics #hyperspectral imaging#atmospheric monitoring#earth observation#deep learning  Project Summaryto be updated. Andrés Research Director at CNR Projects in the same discipline

Deep learning-based prediction of protein-carbohydrate interactions

2024 Master's Projects @Biology#protein-carbohydrate interactions #deep learning #structural bioinformatics  Project Summary Protein-carbohydrate interactions govern a wide variety of biological processes and play an essential role in the development of different...