Procedure for publishing your internship agreement

How do you establish an internship agreement? How do you use the Pstage tool? Below is a summary of the steps to follow in order to generate such an agreement.

The internship agreement is an essential document that is needed before beginning any internship.

After finding a host organisation, it is necessary to formalise the placement by drawing up and signing an internship agreement. No internship can begin until the internship agreement has been signed by all parties.

To create an internship agreement, a tool is available to students: the Pstage application. The procedure to follow is the following:

1/ Find an internship offer, share it with your reference professor and obtain their validation for both the subject matter and the proposed tasks of the internship.

2/ Create the agreement via the Pstage application. If the host organisation does not yet exist on the application, it is necessary to create it. Below is a document summarising all of the information needed to enter the placement agreement via the application.


Ø A university laboratory is NOT a host organisation because it does not have legal personality. In this case, as the host organisation you should indicate the authority or organism (“tutelle”) from which the internship payment will be made.

Ø An internship agreement is a three-party document: host organisation, you and the university. The host organisation mentioned must correspond to the organisation that is hosting and paying you.

 3/ Once you have finished entering the agreement, you must contact the school so that we can check that it complies.

4/ Once the document is compliant, the school sends the agreement to the student so that he/she can start the signature circuit: the student, the host organisation (legal representative + tutor).

5/ Then, the agreement must be sent back by e-mail so that the school can take care of the missing signatures: the university (reference professor and school director). Once signed, a fully signed copy will be sent to the student.

With the internship agreement, a certificate of civil liability insurance mentioning the extent of the rights for the internship must be provided.

If the host organisation wishes to be the last signatory of the agreement, if the host organisation wishes to use its own model agreement or if it is a host organisation abroad, please contact the school beforehand.


Mandatory items to enter an internship agreement

Model of agreement