Modules in French as a Foreign Language (FLE) and other languages

The LANSAD program of the EILA Department offers French as a Foreign Language (“FLE”) courses, as well as courses in other languages.


FLE courses before your mobiity

To prepare yourself for your mobility at Université Paris Cité, you can take a two-week intensive class in French (SILC) before the beginning of classes in September (first semester) and January (second semester). The SILC course is worth 2 ECTS.

FLE courses during your mobility

During terms, modules in French as a Foreign Language (Français langue étrangère, or FLE) are offered by the LANSAD program, which is managed by the Department of Applied Languages (UFR EILA).

To find out about the list of FLE modules, the registration process, and the LANSAD program’s academic calendar, visit the FLE information page (select the tab “cours semestriels pour les étudiants d’Université Paris Cité”). All LANSAD modules are worth 3 ECTS.

Contact for LANSAD:
+33 1 57 27 56 70
offices 440 and 442 in the Olympe de Gouges building (4th floor). See office hours here under the “LANSAD” tab.

As explained on LANSAD’s FLE information page, registration is based on an online test to determine your level.

Online tests for FLE and other foreign languages

To register for FLE and other foreign language classes, you will be required to take an online test. This will determine which FLE courses you register for (based on your level). Placement tests usually open at the beginning of term, early in September or January. Please keep an eye on the LANSAD webpage to find out when the tests open (and be patient – the tests always appear on the page when they eventually open).


  1. Connect to Lansad departement and find the pathway to their « test de niveau en ligne »
  2. Follow the instructions to take the test and sign up for classes

Check the LANSAD website regularly to find out when the test and registration process begins (usually around 10th September).

Please note that, in order to access FLE tests and the LANSAD Moodle page, you need to activate your student account (which can be done once you have received your Université Paris Cité student number).

Possible timetable clashes

Once students have completed the online test, they will be contacted by the LANSAD department and assigned to a FLE module. Unfortunately, if the test opens only after the students were registrated for Anglophone Studies modules, this may result in a timetable clash.

If this happens, please email your academic contact in the UFR Etudes Anglophones (, indicating which Anglophone Studies module needs to be removed from your list of choices because of the timetable clash, and which module you would like to be registered for instead.

Please note that these are the only changes we will be able to make to your registration once it is confirmed.

FLE classes will start on the week of 25th September 2023.

modules in other languages

Language modules in the LANSAD program

Besides FLE courses, the LANSAD program also features classes to learn other foreign languages (German, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Esperanto, Italian and Japanese). Please note that you may take only a maximum of 2 modules per term from the LANSAD program (either 2 modules in FLE, or 1 module in FLE and 1 module in another foreign language). All LANSAD modules are worth 3 ECTS.

Just like FLE classes, all of LANSAD’s language modules are subject to a placement test. Visit the LANSAD information page, choose “tests et inscriptions”, find the pathway to their « test de niveau en ligne », and choose the language you want. Placement tests usually open at the beginning of term, early in September or January. Please keep an eye on the LANSAD webpage to find out when the tests open (and be patient – the tests always appear on the page when they eventually open).

Contact for LANSAD:
+33 1 57 27 56 70
offices 440 and 442 in the Olympe de Gouges building (4th floor). See office hours here under the “LANSAD” tab.

Language modules in the rest of the Applied Languages Department

The Department of Applied Languages (UFR EILA), where the LANSAD program is hosted, also has a wide offer of language and culture courses (German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanse, but also English).

To find out more about EILA’s language and culture courses, check EILA’s “synthèse des enseignements et brochures”. Choose “synthèse des enseignements” for a broad overview of the modules offered, and go to “brochures” for more precise descriptions of the modules.

You can also consult the teaching timetables of the EILA department (but please note that these are often uploaded quite late). If you decide to enroll in EILA modules, please also make sure you check the academic calendar of the EILA department.

To register for modules in the EILA department, you will have to fill in a special form and send it to the EILA student’s office. If you have any questions, please contact the EILA department directly.

EILA undergraduate students’ office:
+33 1 57 27 56 83
office 444 in the Olympe de Gouges building (4th floor). See office hours here under the “Scolarité” tab.

Language modules in the East Asian Languages and Culture Department

You can take modules in Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese from the UFR LCAO (Langues et Cultures d’Asie Orientale).

Bâtiment des Grands Moulins
Aile C, 4e étage – office 488C
16, rue Marguerite Duras
75013 Paris

You can browse the catalogues of modules of the LCAO Department here:

You can access there timetables there:

To find out more about registration you can write to for undergraduate courses for postgraduate courses.

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