GRIP is co-organizing a debate on May 21 in Liège (XX août, salle lumière at the Université de Liège, Belgium) between researchers and CADTM (Comité pour l’Abolition des Dettes Illégitimes) activists on political solutions to the explosion of private debt in southern countries and parts of Mediterranean Europe since the subprime crisis

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GRIP is co-organizing a debate on May 21 in Liège (XX août, salle lumière at the Université de Liège, Belgium) between researchers and activists from CADTM (Comité pour l’Abolition des Dettes Illégitimes) on political solutions to the explosion of private debt in southern countries and parts of Mediterranean Europe since the subprime crisis. They will discuss the relevance of CADTM proposals, such as debt cancellation, to different social and political contexts

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