This transversal seminar of the Global Research Institute, Paris is intended as an unique place of exchange and reflection on what considering the Global does to the social sciences in terms of methodologies, fieldwork and epistemologies.

© Photo: Isabelle Léglise
Organized by Vincenzo Cicchelli (Université Paris Cité, Ceped) & Isabelle Léglise (CNRS, SeDyL, F3S) This transversal seminar of the Global Research Institute, Paris is intended as an unique place of exchange and reflection on what considering the Global does to the social sciences in terms of methodologies, fieldwork and epistemologies. How does taking a globalized world as an object or horizon change our approaches even when an anchorage in lived experience is imposed on certain fields as a necessity? What kind of conceptual and practical tools do we need to implement – which were not already part of the tools of the social scientist in the 20th century – in order to report on phenomena related to the Global, to South-North relations, Eastern-Western dialogues, multiple centers and peripheries, happening in multi-sited fieldworks, in connected cities, and taking into account transnationalism or cosmopolitanism of mobile actors?
22th November 2023, 2-4PM (Paris time)
Speaker: Marton Demeter (University of Public Service, Hungary)
Title: World-systemic hierarchies in academic knowledge production: centers, peripheries and emerging world regions
Site: Maison de la Recherche, INALCO, Salon Borel, 2 rue de Lille, 75007
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