A new session is planned on the 26th January at 10am, “Markets for pharmaceuticals” will be presented by Anne Pollock (Global Health & Social Medicine, King’s College).

© Droits réservés
The seminars will take place between 10AM and 12AM
How to join?
TO receive the link to join the seminar, please, contact: mathieu.quet@gmail.com
27th October 2021
24th November 2021
Title: Markets for traditional medicine
Speaker: Laurent Pordié (CNRS, Cermès3)
15th December 2021
Title: Markets for digital money
Speaker: Kevin P. Donovan (Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh)
26th January 2022
Title: Markets for pharmaceuticals Speaker: Anne Pollock (Global Health & Social Medicine, King’s College)
23th February 2022
Title: Markets for food
Speaker: Markets for food – Rajeswari Raina (International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University)
30th March 2022
Title: Markets for cultural goods
Speaker: Christine Ithurbide (CNRS, Passages)
27th April 2022
Title: Markets for minerals
Speaker: James H. Smith (Anthropology Dept, UC Davis)
25th May 2022
Title: Markets for surgery
Speaker: Logan D.A. Williams (Inclusive Research by Design)
29th June 2022
Title: Markets for seeds
Speaker: Gabriela Soto Laveaga (History of science Dept, Harvard University)
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