Chapter partners

MRS/E-MRS University Chapter Cologne

The MRS University Chapter of the University of Cologne is the first international university chapter recognized by both the Materials Research Society (MRS) and the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). Their goal is to foster materials science as an interdisciplinary and international research field at the University of Cologne. Established in 2013, the university chapter of the MRS in Cologne has established the Materials Science Lecture Series as a regular event with internationally renowned speakers. In addition, they organize various events throughout the year and participate in the annual meetings of the American and European Materials Research Societies (MRS and E-MRS).


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MRS/E-MRS University Chapter Hasselt

Approved and founded in the fall of 2015 under the auspices of the MRS and E-MRS University Chapter program, the Hasselt University Chapter is the very first Chapter in the BENELUX region (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) and is currently ranked as the second largest Chapter in the European Union. As one of the two existing joint Chapters, recognized by the E-MRS and MRS Foundations, the joint MRS/E-MRS University Chapter of Hasselt links the communities of both societies and aims to create high-level activities for materials researchers within the university and the surrounding areas.


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