diiP Summer School: June 10-14, 2024

diiP Summer School: June 10-14, 2024

The diiP is organizing a Summer School on Data Science (with a focus on deep learning data analytics techniques), on Jun10-14. Read the details below, and register now! The first diiP Summer School on Data Science (dSDS) will be held in Tregastel (Bretagne), on...
diiP Projects Day: December 6th, 2023

diiP Projects Day: December 6th, 2023

Join us for the diiP Projects Day, an in-person event that will highlight past and upcoming projects, offer opportunities for discussions and networking, and host Prof. Joseph Sifakis (Turing Award winner, 2007) for the last Distinguished Lecture of 2023. Detailed...
diiP Workshop Day: June 7th, 2023

diiP Workshop Day: June 7th, 2023

Join us as we celebrate another edition of the diiP Workshop Day! Keynote speakers Prof. Michael J. Franklin (University of Chicago) and Dr. S. Mostafa Mousavi (Stanford University, Google) will be presenting, as well as the 2023 projects funded by the diiP!...
diiP Projects Day: December 7, 2022

diiP Projects Day: December 7, 2022

Join us for the diiP Projects Day, an in-person event that will highlight past and upcoming projects, offer opportunities for discussions and networking, and host Prof. Stratos Idreos (Harvard University) for the last Distinguished Lecture of 2022. Detailed...