GRIP transversal seminars

The Fields of the Global
Organized by Vincenzo Cicchelli (Université Paris Cité, Ceped) & Isabelle Léglise (CNRS, SeDyL, F3S) This transversal seminar of the Global Research Institute, Paris is intended as an unique place of exchange and reflection on what considering the...
GRIP certified seminars

2nd May 2024, last session PhD seminar – ICT
For its last session of the semester, on Thursday May 2 from 5 to 6.30pm, the ICT seminar will focus on an increasingly important historical approach: the history of sensibilities and emotions. © Reserved rights For its final...

Overseas and social science research: games of scale and sovereignty
This research seminar aims to contribute to the structuring of a research network on 'Overseas' in the social sciences. © Droits réservés This research seminar aims to contribute to the structuring of a research network on...

Maritime areas and global challenges
The objective of this seminar is to place maritime spaces at the heart of our exchanges. Often considered as mere margins of national territories or extensions of a sovereignty space exercised on land, maritime spaces can also be studied as autonomous...

Developement archives
As part of the GRIP-funded project: The construction of post-colonial states by development experts, the Development Archives seminar series is being organised.

Technological Globalization From Below Interdisciplinary seminar STS
New technologies are entering daily lives and reshaping societies across the globe at an ever-increasing pace. While technological change has been largely analysed as stemming from Northern countries that industrialized first since the 18th and 19th...

Global histories: an entry through the sensitive (18th-20th century)
This seminar is co-organised by Quentin Deluermoz et Didier Nativel and a result of the collaboration between the ICT (Identités, Cultures et Territoires), the CESSMA (Centre d’Etudes en Sciences Sociales sur le mondes africaines, américaines et...

Epistemic hubs in 21st Century: academic knowledge circulation today
The seminar is organised with Leandro Rodriguez Medina.Decades of historical and sociological research have taught us some simple lessons: academic knowledge is a human artifact, it results from social and collective practices, and it is always produced in...

BRICs and emerging economies
The international seminar "BRICs and emerging economies" of INALCO-CREE, in collaboration with the EHESS-FMSH, the University of Paris - Global Research Institute of Paris (GRIP), and the University Paris-Saclay, is dedicated since 2011 to the study of the...