Quand :
7 mars 2024 – 8 mars 2024 Jour entier
Où :
ICM institute Pitié Salpêtrière hospital
European Crystal network - workshop 2024 @ ICM institute Pitié Salpêtrière hospital

Dear colleagues

Since 15 years, ECN Workshop offers an unique opportunity for clinicians and researchers interested all crystal types, crystal-induced inflammation and crystal-induced diseases including gout, to present their latest results and discuss novel concepts.

This year, one of the main sessions will be « IL-1 in All Stages », Keynote lectures, led by renowned experts Luke O’NEIL, Mihai NETEA, Musa MHLANGA and Charles DINARELLO.

Why attend?

A Networking platform with professionals from around the world. Learn the latest practices, technologies, solutions, and regulations concerning your field of expertise.
Young researchers are very welcome! Take part and present your work, many networking time slots will be set up.

Looking forward to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the ECN Workshop together!

Frédéric LIOTÉ, Paris / Fernando PEREZ-RUIZ, Biskay

For more information : https://www.european-crystal-network.com/programme

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ECOS 2024 : Clap de fin pour la promotion des DFAMS3 (6e année)

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