Funded projects
Projects funded in 2023
International history and social science conference on the global and the sensitive, 7-8 December 2023
The conference is the culmination of a two-year GRIP research seminar entitled: "Global Histories: an entry through the sensitive". The conference will invite a double crossing. Firstly, the place of 'Europe' in global history, understood as the study of long-distance...
Companies, norms and territories in globalisation: a critical examination of the CSR movement based on experiences from the South
The ambition of the project is to analyse the articulation between institutional, organisational and territorial dynamics in globalisation through the critical study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the countries of the South. CSR puts two logics in...
Summer school in global history
The PhD summer school in global history was launched in 2020 on the initiative of Christof Dejung (University of Bern), with the aim of bringing together specialists in history and global studies from the Circle U and The Guild networks: Aarhus, Bern, King's College...
Health mobility and support: medical evacuations of minors from Mayotte to Reunion Island
The project is in line with the work on therapeutic mobility and circulation, which questions the production of socio-spatial inequalities in health, from a sociological and anthropological perspective. The subject of medical evacuations in the overseas territories is...
Biophabrics : A new pharmaceutical globalisation? Production, access issues and regulation of biomedicines in the BRICS
The project focuses on the social, technological and political/legal structures of the global market for biomedicines, the pharmaceutical products of the biotechnology industry. Access to these emerging medical technologies, largely developed in the North, is a major...
New geographies of pharmaceutical development: vaccine R&D for neglected diseases in the Global South
The project aims to study the new ways of organizing and producing technologies that characterize the new geographies of bio-technological innovation by analyzing vaccine and other immunebased products development for the so-called ‘neglected diseases’ in the Global...
Colloquium 12 and 13 june: Sciences, technology and nationalism in India
The question of nationalism in India has been of interest to many social science scholars. However, the relationship between science and nationalism has seldom been discussed in a more in-depth manner. ©Reserved rigths The question...
Open science in Latin America and Africa
The transition towards open access of many of the journals included in the globally dominant indexes such as Clarivate Web of Science and Scopus presents a relatively new and complex dilemma for researchers based in semi-peripheral (Global South)...
Projects funded in 2021
Divercities – CESSMA, LARCA, CERMOM, URMIS, Géographies-Cités
Ce projet est étroitement articulé au programme “Governing Diverse cities in Europe and Asia”, lauréat de l’appel à projet de recherche conjointe 2020 UParis-NUS (National University of Singapore).
Matières à relation : circulations et médiations des objets, denrées et artefacts dans un Liban mondialisé – URMIS et CEPED
This project questions the circulation of products, objects and substances to, from and within Lebanon. It integrates 6 surveys dealing respectively with objects of refuge, anxiolytic drugs, ethnic products, Armenian jewellery, Druze mate and, finally,...
La construction des Etats post-coloniaux par les expertises en développement : Cresppa-LabTop, CNRS, Clersé, CAK, ISSP, Université Joseph Ki Zerbo de Ouagadougou, CEPED, CESSMA
Ce projet vise à connecter des archives concernant des expertises en développement issues de plusieurs pays africains et organisations internationales, et à connecter chercheurs et chercheuses du Nord et du Sud autour d’une plate-forme numérique en ligne qui permettra d’exploiter conjointement ce matériau.
Definir les technoproduits dans le monde global – CEPED, CERMES 3, CAK, CEMS, LPED
Voici un des études de cas menés pendant 2021 dans le cadre de ce projet: « Cultiver et standardiser les plantes alimentaires indigènes pour les marchés de la healthy food : intensification de la culture de l’amaranthe au Mexique »
Le marché global des véhicules d’occasion: flux Nord-Sud, obsolescence technologique et renforcement des vulnérabilités environnementales et sanitaires en Afrique – CESSMA, CEPED, Cermes3, ARENES, CAPHRI (Université de Maastrich)
La pollution de l’air atmosphérique pose un grave problème de santé publique dans de nombreuses régions du monde, mais il est en train de devenir particulièrement pressant pour les métropoles africaines.
Le conseil en santé publique: un marché en temps de pandémie ? – CEPED et CERMES 3
L’épidémie de COVID-19 a été l’occasion de mettre sur le devant des scènes médiatique et politique les cabinets de conseil privés et leur participation à la gestion publique de la crise sanitaire de nombreux pays.
Ubiquités, circulations et mobilités croisées – URMIS, CESSMA
Ce projet a été initialement pensé à partir du séminaire de recherche intitulé « Recherches contemporaines en anthropologie : des circulations en question(s) » (séminaire « labellisé » GRIP).
Projects funded in 2020
Anthologie Sciences sociales décentrées Dufoix et Rosa (Aide à la publication)
This anthology brings together texts that have become classics in the social sciences, because they were written by researchers and professors "outside the West" who questioned the multiple facets of the domination of North American and European social...
Récits confinés – CEPED
«Récits confinés» is a participatory scientific research project that aims to document, collect and understand "first-hand" the experiences of individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic in France and Italy.The aim is to understand the evolution of individual...
Everybody’s Cosmopolitanism
This international conference and reference book project starts from the idea that cosmopolitanism is a situated cultural production, born of the European Enlightenment, which is guilty of perpetuating epistemic injustices and betraying its ultimate...
Reshaping business in an uncertain world – CESSMA, CEGDAG, LADYSS
Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l’organisation des entreprises et leur intégration dans des réseaux régionaux, nationaux et mondiaux ont subi de profonds changements.