Invitations internationales

© Université Paris Cité
Série de conférences : Current Research on East Asia (graduate school)
Noga Ganany (University of Cambridge)
Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China
Jeudi 12 octobre 2023
Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia)
Testimony vs. Propaganda: Love and Kamishibai in Japan’s Colonial Empire
Jeudi 9 novembre 2023
Holly Stephens (University of Edinburgh)
The Programme to Improve Rice Production in Colonial Korea: Inspections, Regulations, and the Creation of a Commodity
Jeudi 9 décembre 2023
Juliane Noth (Freie Universität Berlin)
To Rebel is Justified: Red Guard Art and the Mass Production of Images
Jeudi 5 janvier 2024
Barak Kushner (University of Cambridge)
East Asia’s Postwar Battle over History and Memory – the Hidden Legacy of War Crimes Tribunals
Jeudi 15 février 2024
Nguyen Minh (Bielefeld University)
Transnational Mobility, Kinship and Aspiration for the Good Life in Rural Central Vietnam
Jeudi 7 mars 2024
Jong-Chol AN (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Gender Equality or Traditional Culture: Legal Cases Afterwards the Abolishment of the Household Head System in Korea
Jeudi 4 avril
Sarah Turner (McGill University)
Slow forms of infrastructural violence: the complexities of Vietnamese state plans and ethnic minority livelihoods in Vietnam’s mountainous northern borderlands
Jeudi 25 avril 2024
Colloque international : Health and Diseases in Modern and Contemporary East Asia
Hiro Fujimoto (Heidelberg University)
“Southern Expansion of Japanese Women Doctors, 1920– 1940”
Susan L. Burns (University of Chicago, Université Paris Cité Invited Professsor)
“The Medical Marketplace and the Making of Modern Tokyo”
Antonetta Bruno (Sapienza University of Rome)
“Metamorphosis of Smallpox in Korea: Narrative on Virulence and Deification”
Naho Tanimoto (Kansai University)
“The Reality of Cosmetic Surgery in Japan”
Cycle de conférences « Axe travail » Populations Japonaises
Ryohei NAKAGAWA (Université de Nagano)
Submissive or vocal? Reexamining organiza2onal and social subordinate voices in JapanVendredi 9 février 2024
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