Linglunch: exposés passés
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© Université Paris Cité
Année 2019 - 2020
- 07/11/19, Ellen Lau (U of Maryland) , Neural measures of syntactic representation
- 31/10/19, Alexander Martin (Edinburgh)
- 24/10/19, Saveria Colonna (SFL Paris 8), Effet de la saillance discursive et des constructions alternatives sur l’interprétation d’un pronom chez les enfants de 4 ans
- 17/10/19, Karen De Clercq (Gent), Negative and honorific suppletion in Korean: solving a paradox
- 10/10/19, Aude Noiray (Potsdam), Spoken language acquisition and the challenge of skills integration
- 19/09/19, Anna Czypionka (Constance), The processing of question-sensitive discourse particles – long-distance licensing at the interfaces of syntax, semantics and pragmatics
- 12/09/19, Philip Miller (Paris Diderot), Identity Constraints on Ellipsis: New Experimental Evidence from VP Ellipsis and Pseudogapping
Année 2018-2019
- 19/06/19 (wed), David Potter (Morehead State University), Ellipsis fails to repair factive island violations
- 13/06/19, Erez Levon (Queen Mary University of London), Gender, social stereotypes and the perception of uptalk in London
- 06/06/19, Aimée Lahaussois, Verbal derivation in Thulung: from serial verb constructions to derivational affixes
- 23/05/19, Josep Quer (ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Counterfactual imperatives in spoken and signed modalities (joint work with Hadil Karawani, Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin)
- 16/05/19, Matthew Crocker (Saarland University), From semantic surprisal to event-related brain potentials via a neurocomputational model of language comprehension
- 09/05/19, Elodie Winckel, “Dont” and “de qui” relatives in written French , abstract
- 02/05/19, Nicola Lampitelli (LLL UMR 7270 U. de Tours CNRS), Paolo Roseano (U. de Barcelona & U. of South Africa) & Francesc Torres-Tamarit (SFL UMR 7023 CNRS & U. Paris 8), Vowel length in Friulian: extrasyllabicity of voiced final obstruents and mora affixation
- 25/04/19, J.J. Gomez-Asencio (Univ. de Salamanque), Los *relativos* son, en efecto, muy relativos: una cuestión de historiografía lingüística española [en español]
- 18/04/19, Alexei Kochetov, joint work with Laura Colantoni and Jeffrey Steele (U of Toronto), Articulatory evidence for transfer and inhibition of phonetic processes in L2 speech, abstract
- 11/04/19, Sally McConnell-Ginet (Cornell), Improving Linguistic Resources: Metalinguistic Moves, abstract
- 04/04/19, Ira Noveck (ISC-Marc Jeannerod, Lyon), Can we isolate a role for pragmatics in conventional meanings and conventional representations ? ,abstract
- 28/03/19, Peter Culicover, Subject islands aren’t islands, and parasitic gaps aren’t parasitic, or, The Case of the Uninvited Guest, slides, abstract
- 21/03/19, Jon Rawski, How the Structure of the Constraint Space Enables Learning, abstract
- 14/03/19, Germán Kruszewski, The quest for compositional learning, abstract
- 07/03/19, Brian Buccola, Two’s company, but what about three? Informativity in the interpretation of numerals, abstract
- 28/03/19, Matthew Caroll, Modelling and measuring redundancy in multiple exponence for the purposes of typology, abstract
- 21/02/19, Shelece Easterday, Phonotactic complexity and morphology in interaction: a proposed typology, abstract
- 14/02/19, Shunting Chen (Shanghai International Studies University & LLF), Interclausal Anaphora in Chinese Written Corpus: The Case of Conditionals, abstract
- 07/02/19, Noam Faust (Paris 8), What the Schwartzes told me about allomorph priority, abstract
- 31/01/19, Stephen Wechsler (The University of Texas), What verbs mean, and a realist’s view of why, abstract
- 24/01/19, Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee U., Seoul), English transparent free relative clauses: A Corpus-based Perspective
- 17/01/19, Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee U., Seoul), Similarities and Differences of How Come and Why Constructions: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives, abstract
- 10/01/19, Chris Reintges, Greenberg’s Sixth Language Universal Revisited: The VSO/SVO Word Order Contrast in Early Egyptian
- 20/12/18, Marloes Oomens (Univ. of Amsterdam), The semantic underpinnings of verb classification in a sign language, abstract
- 13/12/18, Ioana Chitoran & Ioana Vasilescu, Exploring language variation and change through forced alignment of pronunciation variants: The Romanian definite article
- 06/12/18, Rachel Dudley (IJN), Factive presupposition in language acquisition
- 29/11/18, Andrea Beltrama, Precision and speaker qualities: How pragmatics can inform social perception
- 22/11/18, Abdelkader Fassi Fehri (Univ. Mohammed V & LSM Rabat), A syntactic-based analysis of universal quantifier subtypes and variation, abstract
- 08/11/18, Berthold Crysmann, Reversal in Twi
- 25/10/18, Ioana Vasilescu & Ioana Chitoran, Exploring language variation and change through forced alignment of pronunciation variants, abstract
- 18/10/18, Berthold Crysmann, Reversals in Neo-Aramaic
- 11/10/18, Silvio Cordeiro, Predicting the compositionality of noun compounds with distributional models, abstract
- 04/10/18, Barbara Hemforth, The role of alternative constructions for scope ambiguities
- 20/09/18, Philippe Martin, Intonation, structure prosodique et ondes cérébrales, abstract
- 13/09/18, John Alderete (Simon Fraser University), Phonological regularity and the role of grammar in speech error analysis: segmental and syllable markedness, abstract
Année 2017-2018
- 05/07/18, Bernard Fradin, Les dénuméraux en X-aire du français, abstract
- 28/06/18, Amelia Kimball, The representation of speech prosody in memory, abstract
- 21/06/18, Achille Falaise, Des corpus pour les humains
- 14/06/18, Christian Rétoré (Montpellier), Vers une sémantique argumentative
- 07/06/18, Valentina Aristodemo, Gradable constructions in Italian Sign Language, abstract
- 31/05/18, Xavier Villalba (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Unexpected personal pronouns in Catalan: Between semantics and pragmatics, abstract
- 24/05/18, Julie Auger (Indiana University Bloomington), Les interrogatives en picard: un système se cache-t-il sous la diversité des formes ?
- 17/05/18, Sebastian Fedden (& Greville G. Corbett), Gender and classifiers: a unified analysis within Canonical Typology
- 03/05/18, Lucie Barque, Marie Candito & Richard Huyghe, Classification des verbes réfléchis à l’épreuve d’une annotation en corpus
- 12/04/18, Agata Savary (Université François Rabelais, Tours), La syntaxe des expressions polylexicales: codage lexical, annotation et flexibilité syntaxique, abstract
- 05/04/18, Aixiu An & Anne Abeillé, Closest conjunct agreement in French binominals
- 29/03/18, Rémi Godement-Berline, La focalisation prosodique en parole interprétée, diapos, abstract
- 26/03/18 (mon), Alexandre Allauzen (LIMSI), Apprentissage automatique et TAL: la question du vocabulaire, abstract
- 22/03/18, Pascal Gygax (Université de Fribourg), Ecriture inclusive, langage épicène et féminisation du langage: Des actions futiles ou des démarches répondant à un vrai problème ?, abstract
- 15/03/18, Noam Faust (SFL Paris 8), Les néo-araméens de la ville d’Urmi et la question de la racine discontinue, abstract
- 08/03/18, Stephen Matthews (Hong Kong University) & Virginia Yip (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Right-dislocation in Cantonese-English bilingual children
- 01/03/18, Ana Muller (USP), Present interpretations in Brazilian Portuguese
- 22/02/18, Max Silberztein (Université de Franche-Comté), Décrire l’ensemble des phrases transformées à partir d’une phrase simple, abstract
- 15/02/18, Mathieu Avanzi (FNRS & U. catholique de Louvain), Cartographier les changements de prononciation en français
- 08/02/18, Anne Hermes (Université de Cologne), Articulatory coordination as a window to stability and variability of syllabification patterns
- 01/02/18, Benjamin Storme (SFL), Contextual syncretism: a model of implicational generalizations, abstract
- 25/01/18, Gabriela Bîlbîie (Université de Bucarest), Approches expérimentales de l’ellipse: le gapping enchâssé dans les langues romanes
- 18/01/18,Carmen Sorin (avec Ion Giurgea), MOST across categories and across languages
- 11/01/18, Pascal Amsili & Olga Seminck, Schémas Winograd en français: une étude statistique et comportementale, HAL Diderot
- 21/12/17, Anne Abeillé, Quelques réflexions sur l’écriture inclusive
- 14/12/17, Barbara Hemforth, Statistical adaptation in pronoun resolution
- 07/12/17, Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (UCL), The Division of Labour between Phonetics and Phonology in Syllabification
- 16/11/17, Berthold Crysmann & Olivier Bonami, Variation and competition in realisational morphology: overabundance in Adyghe and Maay
- 26/10/17, Caterina Donati (LLF) et C. Cecchetto (SFL, CNRS & Paris 8), « Understanding when it moves ». A systematic ambiguity and its effects on islandhood
- 19/10/17, Giorgio Graffi (Università di Verona), Deux interprétations de F. de Saussure: T. De Mauro et S. Timpanaro
- 12/10/17, Andy Lücking et Jonathan Ginzburg, Generalized Quantifiers – a referential perspective
- 28/09/17, Pascal Amsili & Claire Beyssade, Plus: une semi-négation pas comme les autres, slides
- 21/09/17, Heather Burnett & Olivier Bonami, Madame le/la ministre: variation and change in the Assemblée Nationale
- 14/09/17, Christian Lehmann (Univ. Erfurt), The Cabecar Relative Clause, paper, hand-out
- 07/09/17, David Paul Gerards (Univ. Zürich), he so-called ‘partitive article’ in Old Spanish and its possible relation to weak definiteness: from corpus to theory
Année 2016-2017
- 13/07/17, Berthold Crysmann, Resumption in Arabic , abstract
- 06/07/17, Olivier Bonami, Predictability in inflection and word formation
- 29/06/17, Loïc Liegeois, Usage du schwa des clitiques par les locuteurs du corpus ESLO: premières analyses exploratoires dans une perspective “micro-diachronique”
- 15/06/17, Bernard Colombat, Le « De causis linguae Latinae » de Jules-César Scaliger (1540) est-il un ouvrage original ?
- 08/06/17, Berit Gehrke, Differences between Russian and Czech in the use of aspectual affixes in narrative discourse
- 01/06/17, Eduardo Correa Soares, Discourse Person, Being a Person and a Specific Person. Some triggers for the “partial” pro-drop in Brazilian Portuguese
- 22/05/17 (mon), Grégoire Winterstein (The Education University of Hong Kong), Discours Genré en Cantonais: Particule finales et SaJiao
- 18/05/17, Mara Frascarelli (Roma 3), The interpretation of (pro)nouns from an interface perspective. A parametric approach to consistent and partial pro-drop languages, abstract
- 11/05/17, Nguyen Thien Nam (USSH Hanoi), How to teach Vietnamese grammar to foreign students and relating matters
- 04/05/17, Mara Panaitescu, Distributive Marker + Quantity Adjective Constructions in Romanian and Albanian
- 27/04/17, Alex Grosu (Tel Aviv University), Japanese internally headed relatives and three potentially homophonous constructions ; how to tell them apart
- 20/04/17, Anne Carlier (Lille), Emergence des articles et restructuration du constituant nominal: perspectives croisées entre diachronie et comparaison
- 06/04/17, Nicolas Mazziotta (Université de Liège), Les diagrammes syntaxiques du grammairien américain S. W. Clark (1847)
- 30/03/17, Giusy Turco (LPP Paris 3), Non-local anticipatory adjustments in speech production
- 23/03/17, Yair Haendler, Effects of pronouns’ referential properties on relative clause processing
- 16/03/17, Guillaume Bonnet (Univ. de Bourgogne) Diachronie de l’albanais: par où commencer ?
- 09/03/17, Lauriane Cabrera, Interaction entre processus auditifs et perception de la parole au cours du développement
- 02/03/17, Céline Pozniak & Christoph Scheepers, Cross-domain priming from mathematics to relative-clause attachment: A visual-world study in French
- 23/02/17, Gilles Authier (EPHE), Divergence typologique en « Caucasique du Nord », morphologie et diachronie
- 16/02/17, Romain Garnier (Limoges), Épistémologie et étymologie: présentation de quelques lemmes du LETL (Lexicon Etymologicum Totius Latinitatis)
- 09/02/17, Guillaume Enguehard, La réduplication des attaques branchantes en gotique et en sanskrit: conditionnement syllabique et/ou squelettal
- 02/02/17, Ye Tian, Meaning interaction between linguistic texts and emojis
- 26/01/17, Tal Linzen (LSCP & IJN), Can recurrent neural networks acquire hierarchical representations from natural texts ?
- 19/01/17, Ewan Dunbar (LSCP), Geometric tendencies in the typology of sound inventories
- 05/01/17, Paola Pietrandrea (LLL, Tours), L’annotation des constructions épistémiques dans un corpus d’interactions orales – Le projet Modal
- 15/12/16, Carlo Geraci (Institut Jean Nicod), Backwards verbs are not so backwards after all…
- 08/12/16, John Hale (Cornell), Modeling fMRI timecourses with linguistic structure
- 01/12/16, Guillaume Enguehard, La représentation des attaques branchantes dans un cadre CVCV sans gouvernement/licenciement
- 24/11/16, Francesco Cangemi (Köln), Analogy and the mental lexicon: experiments in diachronic phonology
- 17/11/16, Ioana Chitora & Harim Kwon, Timing lag matters – Evidence from articulation, acoustics, and perception
- 10/11/16, Doriane Gras, L’activation et la mémorisation des inférences prédictives au cours de la lecture
- 03/11/16, Lisa Brunetti, Arndt Riester & Kordula de Kuthy, Annotation Guidelines for Questions under Discussion and Information Structure
- 27/10/16, James Bednall & Patrick Caudal, Inflectional tense-aspect/modality marking in Anindilyakwa, a language of Northern Australia
- 20/10/16, Alexander Martin (LSCP), Coalescing sources of bias in perception: Lexical and prelexical influences on the processing of phonological features
- 13/10/16, David Heap (University of Western Ontario), Meteorological Pronouns and Partial Subject Paradigms in Northern Occitan Dialects, slides
- 06/10/16, Emmanuel Schang (LLL, Orléans), Une grammaire TAG du créole guadeloupéen, diapos
- 29/09/16, Sacha Beniamine & Olivier Bonami (LLF), La structure des systèmes de classes flexionnelles: une approche computationnelle
- 22/09/16, Berthold Crysmann (LLF), An underspecification approach to Hausa resumption, abstract
- 15/09/16, Yulia Edeleva (Münster), Russian children and their relatives
Année 2015-2016
- 07/07/16, Chris Reintges (LLF), The parametric syntax of participial modifiers
- 30/06/16, Tatiana Iakovleva (CLILLAC), Reconnaissance visuelle des mots transparents anglais chez les bilingues russes (L1) – anglais (L2)
- 23/06/16, Denis Paperno (University of Trento), Semantic spaces from typological and distributional perspectives
- 16/06/16, Tatiana Nikitina (LLACAN), Frames of reference in discourse: Spatial descriptions in Bashkir (Turkic)
- 09/06/16, Guillaume Enguehard (LLF), is Verner’s Law stress-sensitive or edge-sensitive ? : a clue from CVCV
- 26/05/16, Claire Saillard (LLF), Positional variation of the adjective in Truku, a consequence of language contact ?
- 19/05/16, Carlo Cecchetto (SFL, CNRS & Paris 8), Center embedding across modalities
- 12/05/16, Michela Russo et Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (Lyon 3 & SFL), The inherent strength of initial positions: Perspectives from Southern Italian dialects, hand-out
- 14/04/16, Berit Gehrke (& Elena Castroviejo) (LLF), On evaluative intensification and positive polarity
- 31/03/16, Martin Haspelmath (MPI-SHH Jena), Form-meaning correspondences and form-frequency correspondences in grammar
- 24/03/16, Jeremy Kuhn (IJN), Plurality and dependency: the view from sign language
- 17/03/16, Tyler Peterson (U. of Arizona), Mirativity: the Empirical and Theoretical Issues
- 10/03/16, Dalila Ayoun (U. of Arizona), Le genre grammatical en français: singularités et incongruités
- 03/03/16, Lena Karssenberg (U. Leuven), The functions of the relative clause in ‘il y a’ clefts
- 25/02/16, Matías Guzmán Haranjo (U. Leipzig), Quantitative effects in formal models of grammar
- 18/02/16, Sandro Capo Chichi (LLF), La nasalité en Fon comme un marqueur de classe nominale
- 11/02/16, Nawal Abboub (LPP Paris Descartes), L’étude d’un biais prosodique: le cas de la loi iambo-trochaïque
- 04/02/16, Loïc Liegeois (LLF), Problématiques de structuration, de diffusion et d’analyse d’un corpus de données langagières: le cas du corpus ALIPE
- 28/01/16, Céline Pozniak (LLF, Traitement des relatives objets en français: une question de localité ou de fréquence ?
- 21/01/16, Dario Paape (Potsdam), Ellipsis processing with garden-path antecedents in German and French
- 14/01/16, Inés Crespo (NYU Paris & IJN), Subjectivity and the semantics of relative gradable adjectives
- 07/01/16, Xiaofei Lu (The Pennsylvania State University), L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer: Applications in L2 Writing Research and NLP, abstract
- 17/12/15, Pierre Magistry (Alpage), Modèles computationnels des indices sémantiques et phonétiques dans l’écriture chinoise
- 10/12/15, Tina Bögel (Universität Konstanz), Pashto second position en(do) clisis and the syntax-prosody interface in Lexical Functional Grammar
- 03/12/15, Antonio Moreno Sandoval (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), “Big data” and “small data” in corpus linguistics: some examples
- 26/11/15, Khalil Iskarous (USC), Computation: from physics and biology to cognition
- 19/11/15, Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie et Hi Yon Yoo, Le rythme en lecture oralisée: voix de synthèse et voix naturelles
- 12/11/15, Xinyue Yu, Alternance dative en chinois mandarin L1 et L2
- 05/11/15, Manuel Križ (LSCP), On Homogeneity Effects in Embedded Questions
- 29/10/15, Elodie Winckel (FU Berlin), The position of bare adjectives in French (and Spanish)
- 22/10/15, Guillaume Enguehard, Unification de l’alternance vocalique et de la pré-accentuation dans les verbes russes se terminant par -iva, slides
- 15/10/15, Denis Paillard, A propos des formes en /-ment/ (/forcément, décidément/, etc.) comme marqueurs discursifs
- 01/10/15, Zeljko Bošković (U. of Connecticut), On clitics, ellipsis, and nominal structure crosslinguistically, hand-out
- 24/09/15, Heather Burnett, Grammatical Signatures and Crosslinguistic Studies of Syntactic Variation
- 17/09/15, Joey Lovestrand (Oxford University), Serial verb constructions in Barayin
Année 2014 - 2015
- 02/07/15, Lawrie Barnes (University of South Africa), An overview of language shift in South Africa, slides
- 18/06/15, Peggy Renwick (Oxford University), Dimensions of Phonemic Contrast in Romance Vowels, slides
- 11/06/15, Grégoire Winterstein (Hong-Kong Institute of Education), Les particules additives du Cantonais, le cas de ‘tim’
- 04/06/15, Raphaël Sakie (University of Brighton), New Hope for the Proper Name Theory of Quotation
- 28/05/15, Alexandra Simonienko (ALPAGE), What is universal about the DP-layer ? Semantic micro-variation among Finno-Ugric possessive suffixes and Indo-European definite articles
- 21/05/15, Anna Volkova (Utrecht), Reflexivity in Meadow Mari: Binding and Agree
- 07/05/15, Martha Palmer (University of Colorado Boulder), Beyond Shallow Semantics
- 23/04/15, Maria Teresa Espinal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Reference to kinds in Spanish: definiteness and number (joint work with Olga Borik)
- 09/04/15, Caterina Donati, The grammar of code blending. What bimodal bilinguals can tell us on the architecture of grammar
- 02/04/15, Jean-Pierre Koenig (Buffalo), Strong vs. Weak lexical categories in Oneida and cross-linguistically, handout
- 19/03/15, Andrew Kehler (USCD), On QUD-based Licensing of Strict and Sloppy Ambiguities in Ellipsis
- 19/03/15, Denis Paillard, La préfixation verbale en khmer
- 12/03/15, Bianca Basciano (Venice), On Vendlerian classes, resultatives and degree achievements in Mandarin Chinese
- 05/03/15, Chiara Branchini (Venice), Italian sign language relative clauses in a typological perspective
- 26/02/15, Joan Busquets (Bordeaux), Contraste, Verum Focus et anaphore: le cas de et pourtant si/non, diapos
- 19/02/15, Maria Giavazzi (NPI, IEC ENS), A two-way interaction between phonetics and phonology: Phonetic bases of phonological processes and phonological effects on phonetic processing, abstract
- 12/02/15, Abdelkader Fassi Fehri (Rabat), Arabic ways to be Gender-ed, abstract
- 05/02/15, Coralie Hervé, Dislocations in French-English bilingual children: an elicitation study
- 29/01/15, Saveria Colonna (Paris 8), Quels indices les enfants de 4 ans utilisent-ils pour interpréter un pronom anaphorique ? Enregistrement des mouvements oculaires pendant la présentation visuelle des référents, slides
- 22/01/15, Kristina Gulordava (Genève), Quantitative patterns of NP-internal word order variation: a cross-linguistic corpus-based approach
- 18/12/14, Jonathan Ginzburg (CLILLAC), Grammar is a system that characterizes talk in interaction
- 11/12/14, Lyn Tieu (ENS), Simple and complex disjunctions in child language
- 04/12/14, Mathieu Avanzi (Cambridge), Le rôle de prosodie dans la perception de l’accent allemand en français
- 27/11/14, Nicolas Mazziotta (Stuttgart), Méthodes et outils pour la création d’un dictionnaire valenciel informatisé de l’ancien français
- 06/11/14, Ye Tian, Negation processing: A dynamic account
- 30/10/14, Lisa Rosenfelt, Representation and processing of French verb noun compounds
- 23/10/14, Bernard Colombat, Le Donait françois de John Barton, la première grammaire française ?
- 09/10/14, Jasmeen Kanwal (University of California San Diego), Derivational morphology, diachronic frequency effects, and Zipf’s principle of least effort
- 25/09/14, Laurie Bauer (Victoria University of Wellington), Exocentricity in word-formation: a re-evaluation
Année 2013 -2014
- 03/07/14, Philippe Martin, Ondes cérébrales et structures prosodiques
- 26/06/14, Margaret Grant (McGill University), An ambiguity advantage for pronominal reference in real-time sentence processing
- 05/06/14, Anne-Marie Di Sciullo (Université du Québec à Montréal), I-morphology, interface economy and the two tales of -esimo
- 22/05/14, Denis Paillard (LLF), A propos des interjections ah / eh / oh: syntaxe et sémantique
- 19/05/14 (mon), Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus), From lexical categories to roots and back again, hand-out
- 15/05/14, Jean-Pierre Koenig & Karin Michelson (Buffalo), D, irect syntax meets information structure: the case of Iroquoian, hand-out
- 28/04/14, Katija Ploog (Université de Franche Comté), « J’en prends pas plein… » : De l’élaboration structurelle en temps réel,
- 10/04/14, Elena Soare (Paris 8), Nominalizing with or without ‘N’, slides
- 03/04/14, Denis Delfitto (Verone), Some ideas (and some questions) about exclamatives, slides
- 01/04/14, Louise McNally & Scott Grimm (Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone), No ordered arguments needed for nouns
- 24/03/14, Ana Müller (Universidade São Paulo), The Semantics of Bare Nouns in Karitiana, slides
- 20/03/14, Luis Lopez (University of Illinois at Chicago), Remarks on the syntactification of morphology, hand-out
- 18/03/14 (tue), Sascha Bargmann (University of Frankfurt and Göttingen), Accounting for the Differences in the Syntactic Flexibility of Idioms, slides
- 13/03/14, Heather Burnett (Université de Montréal), Variation in the interpretation of negative indefinites in Montreal French
- 10/03/14 (mon), Paolo Acquaviva (University College Dublin), Gender in French: stems and morphosyntax, hand-out
- 06/03/14, Guillaume Thomas (Heinrich Heine Universität, Düesseldorf), Constructions with scale segments: comparison, additivity and phase quantification
- 27/02/14, Artemis Alexiadou (Stuttgart), Middle Voice and Deponency: a case study in morphological mismatches
- 20/02/14, Vieri Samek-Ludovici (UCL Londres), Italian Contrastive Focalization and its Interaction with Givenness
- 13/02/14, Jamal Ouhalla (University College Dublin), BE, HAVE, NEED
- 06/02/14, Nick Riemer (Sydney), Six reasons not to believe in the descriptive/expressive distinction
- 30/01/14, Caterina Donati (Sapienza U. di Roma), “The claims that linguists made…” Testing the predictions of two theories on noun complementation, slides
- 23/01/14, Salikoko Mufwene (University of Chicago), The Symbiotic Evolution of “Language and Culture”, abstract
- 16/01/14, Emilie Destruel Johnson (University of Iowa), Focus in two language varieties: Colloquial vs. Standard French
- 12/12/13, Berthold Crysmann & Olivier Bonami, Morphotactics in an information-based model of realisational morphology, slides
- 05/12/13, Remi van Trijp (Sony CSL, Paris), Linguistic Assessment Criteria and Fitness Landscapes for Explaining Language Change
- 28/11/13, Mathieu Avanzi & Lisa Brunetti, Proéminence prosodique et topique de phrase dans les dislocations en français parlé
- 21/11/13, Bernard Colombat, Deux bases de textes linguistiques: CTLF et Frantext-CTLF
- 14/11/13, Jean Lowenstamm, L’umlaut en allemand standard ou le retour du monstre du Loch Ness
- 07/11/13, Douglas Kibbee (U of Illinois at Urbana Champain), Chomskyan (R)evolutions
- 24/10/13, Eve Clark (Stanford), Acquiring new words: Adult offer and child uptake
- 17/10/13, Bernard Fradin, L’interprétation des nominalisations en N-ment et N-age: données et questions
- 03/10/13, Israel de la Fuente et Barbara Hemforth (LLF), The role of focus particles and coherence relations in pronoun resolution
- 03/10/13, Philip Miller (CLILLAC) et Barbara Hemforth (LLF), Verb Phrase Ellipsis with nominal antecedents
- 26/09/13, Renáta Panocová (Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia), Neoclassical word-formation and productivity
- 19/09/13, Stefan Gries (UC Santa Barbara), Corpora and statistics but not in (syntax/) lexis: blending, syntactic alternation and orthography
- 12/09/13, Mark Johnson (Sydney), Computational models of language acquisition
Année 2012 - 2013
- 04/07/13, Ioana Chitoran, Consonantal voicing alternations in Lezgi (NE Caucasian): An articulatory analysis
- 27/06/13, Denis Paillard, Les marqueurs discursifs comme catégorie
- 20/06/13, Guillaume Jacques (CRLAO), Géraldine Walther (LLF) et Benoît Sagot (Alpage), Le rôle de l’opposition direct/inverse dans la l’économie descriptive du système verbal du khaling (kiranti)
- 13/06/13, Pablo Ribeiro (UFRGS, Brazil), On the lexical-conceptual representation of dynamic monoargumental verbs
- 06/06/13, Diana Passino (Université de L’Aquila), A unified account of consonant gemination in external sandhi in Italian: Raddoppiamento Sintattico and related phenomena, article
- 30/05/13, Ralf Salkie (Brighton), Quotation as a speech act
- 23/05/13, Gene B. Gragg (U. Chicago), The Afroasiatic Morphological Archive: Developing a Tool for Morphological Documentation and Exploration
- 16/05/13, Grégoire Winterstein, Stratégies et opérateurs argumentatifs. Approche bayesienne et expérimentale., exemplier
- 18/04/13, Luc Steels (Sony CSL Paris & Icrea Barcelona), Agent-based models of strategies for the emergence and evolution of grammatical agreement
- 11/04/13, Sabrina Bendjaballah & Philippe Ségéral, Sur le gabarit verbal en mehri (sudarabique moderne)
- 04/04/13, Denis Paillard, Constructions verbales en série du khmer
- 28/03/13, Greg Stump (U. Kentucky), Defaults and overrides in Sanskrit declensional accentuation
- 21/03/13, Magda Oiry (University of Massachussetts), L’acquisition des questions à longue distance par les enfants français à l’interface syntaxe/sémantique
- 14/03/13, Gert Webelhuth (Francfort), Idioms as Evidence for the Proper Analysis of Relative Clauses
- 07/03/13, Farrell Ackerman (UC San Diego), Thai Passives and Morphology-Syntax Interdepedencies
- 28/02/13, Claire Saillard, Code switching entre chinois mandarin et taroko: comment expliquer les doubles dans les GN mixtes?
- 21/02/13, Dafina Ratiu (LLING Nantes), Syntax and semantics of sharing, hand-out
- 31/01/13, Margaret Grant, Subset Comparatives Require More than (Just) World Knowledge
- 17/01/13, Jonathan Ginzburg, The End of Competence? Adding dysfluencies to the grammar, slides
- 10/01/13, Luciana R. Storto (Universidade de São Paulo), The Syntax and Semantics of Universal Quantification in Karitiana, abstract
- 20/12/12, Jean-Marie Marandin, Les déclaratives questionnantes, transparents
- 17/12/12 (mon), Dan Lassiter (Stanford), Gradation and Modality
- 13/12/12, Jim Blevins (Cambridge), Morphological Autonomy
- 10/12/12 (mon), Berit Gehrke (Pompeu Fabra), Different ways to be passive: Event-related modification of German adjectival passives
- 06/12/12, Yo Sato (University of Hertfordshire), Towards a head-driven account of information structure: evidence from Japanese and Korean, abstract, slides
- 29/11/12, Amandine Lorente, Two types of nonrestrictive relatives in L2 French processing: learners’ sensitivity to morphosyntax and language design
- 22/11/12, Heather Burnett (Université de Montréal & Institut Jean Nicod, Paris), On the logical and grammatical foundations of adjectival scale structure
- 15/11/12, Carmen Sorin, La quantification massique et l’ambiguïté de most
- 08/11/12, Mark Aronoff (Stony Brooke University), Partial organization in languages: La langue est un système où la plupart se tien(nen)t, slides
- 31/10/12 (wed), Roni Katzir (Tel Aviv), Contrast, scalarity, and contradiction, hand-out
- 25/10/12, Berthold Crysmann & Olivier Bonami, Mettre de l’ordre dans les systèmes flexionnels
- 18/10/12, Barbara Hemforth & Israel de la Fuente Velasco, La résolution des pronoms en français et en espagnol
- 11/10/12, Bernard Combette et Gilles Siouffi (Nancy & Paris-Sorbonne), La Grande Grammaire Historique du Français: présentation du projet
- 04/10/12, Giuliana Giusti (Università di Venezia), On Imperfect parallels between Nominal Expressions and Clauses
- 27/09/12, Nicola Lampitelli, La flexion verbale en somali de Djibouti, slides
- 20/09/12, Philip Miller, Remnant complements with verbal ellipsis and verbal anaphora in English
- 13/09/12, Dominique Willems (Universiteit Gent), La typologie verbale: entre construction et lexique
Année 2011-2012
- 12/07/12, Djamé Seddah, Vers un treebank des médias sociaux: l’analyse syntaxique face au web 2.0. (travail joint avec Benoît Sagot, Marie Candito, Virginie Mouilleron, Vanessa Combet)
- 05/07/12, Ingo Feldhausen (LabEx EFL), La relation entre le poids prosodique et la structure syntaxique dans le phrasé prosodique en Catalan, abstract
- 28/06/12, Rui Chaves (Buffalo), On subject island, slides
- 21/06/12, Wigdan Mekki (GREYC, Caen & LDC, Upenn), Presentation of the Penn Arabic TreeBank: methodology, style and revision process
- 14/06/12, Carla Soares, Notes sur l’acquisition des clivées: production spontanée et production induite
- 07/06/12, Bernard Fradin, Sémantique de la morphologie évaluative
- 31/05/12, Peter Scharf (Chaire Blaise Pascal, HTL), Pertinence des théories de l’Inde classique relatives à la compréhension verbale pour les théories syntaxiques modernes et utilisation de quelques formalismes modernes pour la syntaxe sanscrite
- 24/05/12, Yvan Rose (University of Newfoundland), Développement phonologique: perception, représentation et production
- 10/05/12, Fabiola Henri, L’origine des formes flexionnelles des langues créoles: une analyse quantitative
- 03/05/12, Raphael Salkie (University of Brighton), Towards a uniform treatment of like, abstract, hand-out
- 19/04/12, Harry J. Tily (MIT), Some adaptative traits of the lexicon with respect to efficient communication, slides
- 12/04/12, Philip Miller, Exophoric Verb Phrase Ellipsis
- 05/04/12, Roser Saurí (Voice and Language Group, Barcelona Media), Words Talking Factually. Lexical Resources for Event Factuality, slides
- 29/03/12, Denis Paillard, A propos des quatre ‘copules’ du Khmer ancien: 0, já, gi et syan
- 12/03/12, Tonjes Veenstra (ZAS, Berlin), The development of subordination
- 08/03/12, Denis Paillard, Syntaxe et sémantique de la préposition avec
- 01/03/12, Nancy Chang (ICSI Berkeley), Aspect and acquisition: an embodied cognitive approach
- 23/02/12, Farrel Ackerman (UC San Diego), Selected and Unselected OBJs in Thetogovela Moro: The OBJ* Parameter
- 16/02/12, Lisa Brunetti (DDL Lyon), Classes verbales et inversion du sujet en italien, espagnol et catalan: une étude quantitative, exemplier
- 09/02/12, Ali Idrissi (UAE University), Effects of obligatory morphological decomposition to the root in Arabic
- 02/02/12, Bernard Bortolussi (Paris X Nanterre), Le latin est-il configurationnel ? exemplier
- 26/01/12, Berthold Crysmann, A unified approach to Hausa genitive marking
- 19/01/12, Guillaume Fon Sing et Jean Léoué, La typologie des langues créoles à l’épreuve des faits: traits syntaxiques et tests phylogénétiques
- 12/01/12, Linda Badan (Leiden Universiteit), The grammar of exclamatives: a comparative approach
- 05/01/12, Nicolas Ballier, Les noms recteurs des complétives nominales finies en français et en anglais, résumé
- 08/12/11, Laurence Danlos et Benoît Sagot, Modélisation des propriétés (morpho-)syntaxiques dans le lexique Lefff, illustration sur les verbes d’incise de citation
- 08/12/11, Alain Kihm, La déclinaison de l’ancien français dans l’approche “Mot et Paradigme” et le syncrétisme de défaut, abstract
- 01/12/11, Martine Adda-Decker (LLP Paris3 et LIMSI Orsay), Exploring production variation in large oral corpora using automatic speech alignment: methodological aspects and results
- 24/11/11, Giorgio Magri (Institut Jean Nicod), The OT error-driven ranking model of the acquisition of phonotactics, abstract, slides
- 17/11/11, Emil Ionescu (Université de Bucarest), Anaphores abstraites dans les subordonnées relatives appositives en roumain, abstract, transparents
- 03/11/11, Éva Kardos (University of Debrecen), Aspectual variation in light of data from Hungarian and English
- 03/11/11, Margot Colinet & Grégoire Winterstein, Déterminants emphatiques, relations de discours, argumentation et probabilité, exemplier
- 28/10/11, Delphine Tribout, L’usage de la morphologie dans les systèmes de question-réponse., transparents
- 13/10/11, Chris Reintges, Dérive vers l’analycité de l’Egyptien ancien et la dimension synthétique/analytique
- 06/10/11, Bernard Colombat, Le Grand Corpus des grammaires françaises, des remarques et des traités sur la langue (XIVe-XVIIe s.),
- 29/09/11, Philipp Miller, The choice between verbal anaphors in discourse
- 15/09/11, Alain Rouveret, L’ellipse de VP aux interfaces de la grammaire
Année 2009 -2010
- 01/07/10, Gerald Penn (University of Toronto), HPSG Parsing and Meet Semi-latticehood, résumé, slides
- 24/06/10, Nicola Lampitelli, Phonologie et syntaxe dans le système nominal du bosnien (serbo-croate)
- 17/06/10, Helena López Palma (Universidade da Coruna), Regarding a division function as a partitive relation
- 27/05/10, Helena López Palma (Universidade da Coruna), The semantics of fractional numerals
- 20/05/10, Richard Huygue, L’héritage aspectuel des noms déverbaux
- 06/05/10, Noam FaustNoms, Participes, infinitifs et ce qu’il y a (éventuellement) entre eux
- 15/04/10, Lisa Brunetti (DDL, Lyon), Sur la notion de topique et le rôle de la prosodie dans la structuration de l’information: reflexions à la lumière de données de l’italien , exemplier
- 08/04/10, Marie-Claude Paris & Marie-Thérèse Vinet (U. Sherbrooke), Analyse comparée de deux formes de l’approximation numérale en français et en chinois
- 01/04/10, Rémi Camus, « Je t’aime »
- 25/03/10, Tonjes Veenstra (ZAS, Berlin), Grammatical Integration and Complex Predicates
- 18/03/10, Fumitake Ashino, La préposition parmi
- 11/03/10, Bernard Fradin, Les nominalisations d’état
- 05/03/10, Conférence exceptionnelle: Peter Sells (SOAS London), Unpredicated Particles (joint work with Beth Levin, Stanford), résumé
- 04/03/10, Kassim Mohamed-Soyir, Les aspects morphologiques de l’accord en shiNgazidja
- 25/02/10, Mélanie Jouitteau, Quand la morphologie post-syntaxique influe sur l’ordre des mots dans la phrase, résumé
- 18/02/10, Marcelo Ferreira (Universidade São Paulo), Brazilian Portuguese Bare Singular and Discourse Referents, slides
- 11/02/10, Maryse Grône, La structure argumentale des résultatives en anglais, exemplier
- 04/02/10, Olivier Bonami & Gilles Boyé, Paradigmes opaques, formes transparentes: la conjugaison du népali
- 28/01/10, Carmen Sorin (avec Ion Giurgea), Pronominal Possessors and Feature Uniqueness, article associé
- 21/01/10, Denis Paillard, Typologie des marqueurs discursif en français
- 14/01/10, Noam Faust, Où est le [u] ? Concaténativité et affixation en Hébreu moderne, résumé, exemplier
- 07/01/10, Philippe Martin, Intonation, syntaxe, macrosyntaxe: et l’auditeur dans tout ça ?
- 17/12/09, Michael Becker (Harvard University), Learning hidden structure in paradigms, hand-out
- 10/12/09, Barbara Hemforth (Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurosciences cognitives, CNRS, Paris-Descartes), Comprehension des anaphores. Structure informationnelle et différences inter-langue
- 03/12/09, Olivier Bonami & Pollet Samvelian, Les périphrases verbales du persan et la typologie des périphrases., transparents
- 19/11/09, Juliette Thuillier, Gwendoline Fox & Benoît Crabbé, Prédire l’ordre adjectif-nom en français, transparents
- 12/11/09, Richard Zuber, Les expressions multi-catégorielles et sémantique formelle
- 05/11/09, Noam Faust, Comment est construit l’état construit ?, résumé, exemplier
- 29/10/09, Remi Camus, Invertir les rôles thématiques ? Forme schématique du russe NESTI “porter…”, exemplier
- 22/10/09, Patrick Caudal, L’usitatif en Nyamal, langue aborigène d’Australie Occidentale: entre aspect-temps et généricité
- 15/10/09, Carmen Sorin, Types de quantification et généricité des pluriels et noms de masse
- 08/10/09, Claire Saillard, Valeurs du présent et du passé composé dans l’interlangue française d’apprenants chinois: la question des phases
- 01/10/09, Cédric Patin, L’empreinte d’un ton. La ‘liaison tonale’ en shingazidja septentrional, transparents
- 17/09/09, Jean Lowenstamm, Affixes, Racines, Phases, etc.
Année 2008 -2009
- 29/06/09, Gerhard Schaden, Les superparfaits
- 22/06/09, Nicola Lampitelli, √, Th, n and num/K in Romance nouns: a cross-linguistic account, exemplier
- 15/06/09, Bernard Fradin, Le doigt dans l’e ? Problèmes liés à l’utilisation de la variable d’événement dans la description lexicale
- 08/06/09, Jean-Marie Marandin, Hi-Yon Yoo, Cédric Patin & Frédéric Laurens, Construction de paradigmes en prosodie, exemplier
- 25/05/09, Grégoire Winterstein, Le caractère obligatoire et la sémantique de aussi, exemplier
- 18/05/09, Pascal Amsili, Présuppositions obligatoires, transparents
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