Quand :
6 octobre 2021 – 7 octobre 2021 Jour entier
Où :
virtual meeting
4th International Edition Metabolism in Cancer @ virtual meeting

Metabolism in cancer: from reprogramming to therapeutic vulnerability 6th & 7th October 2021, Paris

The Adelis congress is a conference that takes place every two years since 2014. It organized by an association of PhD students and young researchers of the HOB doctoral school (« Hematology, Oncogenesis and Biotherapy »), based in Saint-Louis Hospital, in Paris.


For this 4th edition, Cancer Metabolism will be the main area of expertise covered. This congress will present metabolism as a promising approach to understand and target cancer while contemplating the state-of-the-art. Scientific talks, poster presentations and interactive sessions will be included in the program.

IMPORTANT: Because of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, we have decided after much consideration to postpone the ADELIS congress to 6th and 7th October 2021 and organize in the form of a Virtual Meeting. 

Registration is now open!

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