
1er décembre 2023

Salle P. Albouy (685-689C), Grands Moulins

Organized by the Paris Centre for Narrative Matters, Université Paris Cité, in collaboration with Narrare, Centre for Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies, Tampere University.


Programme téléchargeable

1:45 p.m.: Welcome Coffee

2:00–2:30 p.m.: Lecture by Molly Andrews (University College London), “Considering Counter Narratives Twenty Years Later”

2:30–3:00 p.m.: Lecture by Matti Hyvärinen (Tampere University, Finland), “Revisiting Counter-Narratives”
Respondents: Mari Hatavara (Tampere University), Hanna Meretoja (University of Turku, Finland)

3:30 p.m.: Break

3:45–4:05 p.m.: Hanna Meretoja, presentation of the project “Counter-Narratives of Cancer: Shaping Narrative Agency,” Research Council of Finland, 2023–2027

4:30–6:00 p.m.: Discussion on a book project in French on counter-narratives and counter-narrative research, preceded by a brief state of the art by Sylvie Patron (Université Paris Cité)

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