Elena Peretti
Associate Professor @ Lusail University QATAR
Associate Editor @ Finance Research Letters
Executive Director @ ROLACC Geneva
Former Secretary-General @ IAACA
- Associate Professor of Public Law, Lusail University (Qatar)
- Head of joint Sorbonne (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)/Lusail University Program
- Associate Editor, Finance Research Letters (2021: CiteScore 5.3; Impact Factor 5.596)
- Founder and President of the French Law Club in Qatar (attached to the official FrenchBusiness Council CCIFQ )
- Representative in Qatar of the French Association of Ph.Ds in Law ( AFDD )
- Secretary-General, IAACA International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (Qatar/Austria)
- International Organization composed of 138+ Member States
- Executive Director, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center/ROLACC Geneva (Switzerland)
- Center of the United Nations Special Advocate against corruption
2016/2017 : Lecturer, Sciences Po Bordeaux (France)
2015/2019 : Associate Professor, PSB Paris School of Business (France)
2012/2014 : Assistant Professor (ATER), Université de Rouen (France)
2011/current : Research Associate, Centre Maurice Hauriou/Université de Paris (France)
2009/2012 : Banker, Amundi Asset Management/Inspector at General Inspection, Crédit Agricole (France)
RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS (Universities, Business Schools, Public and Private Centers)
Research interests:
*** Anti-corruption, Governance and Compliance
*** Constitutional Law
** Law and Economics
* History of Economic and Law thought
Teaching interests:
*** Rule of Law, Anti-corruption, Compliance
*** Constitutional Law
*** Philosophy of Law
** History of Law
- 2011-2019 Ph.D in Public Law (Constitutional Law, with honors) – Université de Paris – Sorbonne Paris Cité (Topic: The State Theory of Georges Burdeau). Available at https://www.theses.fr/2019USPCB048 .
- 2018 Certification PECB ISO 37001 Lead Implementer – PECB Lausanne
- 2009-2010 Master’s degree in Law Philosophy (with honors) – Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas
- 2008-2009 Master’s degree in Business Law (with honors) – Université de Paris
Articles (peer-reviewed Journals)
- [8] Péran T. (2022), “La procédure d’épuration administrative à l’encontre de Georges Burdeau : de l’isolement à la réhabilitation morale ?”, [Working paper].
- [7] Péran T. (2022), “Are Economics the new Political Science? Elements from the French epistemologists over the 20 th Century”, [Working paper].
- [6] Goutte S., Péran T. and Porcher T. (2022), “Corruption and equality gender in Central Africa”, [Working paper].
- [5] Goutte S., Péran T. and Porcher T. (2022), “Corruption, economy and governance in Central Africa: An analysis of public and regional drivers of corruption”, Finance Research Letters 44. Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2021.102086 .
- [4] Péran T. (2021), “Lutte contre la corruption : les normes privées non obligatoires, cadre d’implémentation des dispositifs légaux nationaux”, Droit & Patrimoine 316.
Available at https://www.droit-patrimoine.fr/thematiques/securite-financiere/lutte-contre-la-corruption-les-normes-privees-non-obligatoires-cadre-dimplementation-des-dispositifs-legaux-nationaux-678100.php . - [3] Goutte S., Peran T. and Porcher T. (2020), “The role of economic structural factors in determining pandemic mortality rates: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak in France”, Research in International Business and Finance 54.
Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2020.101281 . - [2] Goutte S., Péran T., et al. (2019), “Worker mobility and the purchase of low CO2 emission vehicles in France: Adatamining approach », The European Journal of Comparative Economics 16(2): 171-205. Available at https://doi.org/10.25428/1824-2979/201902-171-205 .
- [1] Péran T. (2014), “Le plan Freycinet : entre étatisme et libéralisme”, Droit de la voirie 180: 140-142.
Available at https://www.environnement-magazine.fr/pollutions/article/2014/09/01/24300/plan-freycinet-entre-etatisme-liberalisme .
- [2] Péran T. (2022, upcoming), La théorie de l’État de Georges Burdeau, pref. Ismaila Madior Fall, fwd. Michel
Degoffe, L’Harmattan. - [1] Bourdeaux G. and Péran T. (2017), Gestion de la banque, 8 th ed., Paris: Dunod, 312 p.
Book chapters
- [2] Péran T. (2016), “La conscience juridique internationale, une utopie selon Georges Burdeau”, in Dupéré O. (eds),
et al., Constitution et droit international. Regards sur un siècle de pensée juridique française, Paris: Institut
Universitaire Varenne. - [1] Péran T. (2012), “Les agences de notation : du rôle informationnel au statut politique ?”, in Porcher T. (eds), Ohana
S., et al., Regards sur un XXI e siècle en mouvement, pref. Attali J., Paris: Ellipses, pp. 19-24.
- [8] Péran T., “L’implantation de la Sorbonne au Qatar”, Oryx FM Radio – rubrique « Invité du jour » [Tuesday 22 March 2022]. Available at https://www.oryxradio.qa/AudioForm/11223 .
- [7] Péran T., “Les attributions du Conseil de Choura”, Oryx FM Radio – rubrique « Invité du jour » [Tuesday 26 October 2021]. Available at https://www.oryxradio.qa/AudioForm/10172 .
- [6] Péran T., “Les études de droit au Qatar”, Oryx FM Radio – rubrique « Invité du jour » [Tuesday 19 October 2021].
Available at https://www.oryxradio.qa/AudioForm/10077 . - [5] Péran T., “Les enjeux de la lutte contre la corruption pour la République de Tunisie”, National TV Journal (Watania 1) [Thursday 28 November 2019]. Available at https://www.rolacc.ch/wpcontent/uploads/2017/06/accord_cooperation_rolacc_tunisie_28112019.mp4 .
- [4] Péran T., “La France est un État plus interventionniste que libéral”, Bonds and Shares [12 April 2017]. Available at https://bonds-and-shares.com/fr/blog/interview/lanalyse-de-thomas-peran-sur-la-presidentielle-2017/ .
- [3] Goutte S., Péran T. and Porcher T. (2016), “Lutte contre la pollution : le rôle primordial des constructeurs automobiles”, Le Monde [Tuesday 20 December 2016]. Available at
https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2016/12/20/lutte-contre-la-pollution-le-role-primordiale-des-constructeurs-automobiles_5052052_3232.html . - [2] Péran T., Porcher T., et al. (2012), “Trois propositions pour réformer la fiscalité des carburants”, Le Monde [Wednesday 27 June 2012]. Available at https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2012/06/27/trois-propositions-pour-reformer-la-fiscalite-des-carburants_1724588_3232.html .
- [1] Péran T., Porcher T., et al. (2012), “Une proposition de réforme de la fiscalité des carburants”, L’Expansion [Tuesday 3 July 2012].
Conferences/Seminars/Colloquiums (Selection, ENG/FR)
- [18] “La mise en place d’un dispositif interne de lutte contre la corruption”, Paris-Saclay University, Seminar (Master’s level), November-December 2021. FR
- [17] “Lutte contre la corruption : les normes privées non obligatoires, cadre d’implémentation des dispositifs légaux nationaux”, Paris ESLSCA Business School, Scientific Colloquium, 17 September 2021. FR
- [16] “Anti-bribery management system and business ethics in private firms and public departments”, IAACA–MACC Joint Training Program, 30 June 2021. ENG
Available at https://www.sprm.gov.my/index.php?page_id=103&contentid=1865&cat=CN&language=en - [15] “How to implement an anti-bribery management system in private firms and public companies?”, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Conference at Master’s degree Level, 1 st Semester 2021. ENG
- [14] “Anti-corruption and compliance in the private sector”, Conference organized by UNODC and ROLACC, Congress Center of Tunis, 10 December 2020. ENG/FR
- [13] “The role of Education in the fight against corruption”, United Nations SEE ACAD, Conference organized by Washington & Lee University School of Law, 17 November 2020. ENG
- [12] “L’intérêt du triangle de la fraude dans la lutte contre la corruption”, Opening remarks to H.E. M. Malick Sall, Minister of Justice from the Republic of Senegal, CREDIJ center Regional Conference of Dakar, 22 October 2020. FR
- [11] “Gestion des systèmes anti-corruption et bonne gouvernance”, ROLACC Geneva – training criminalité économique pour magistrats et ministres centrafricains/burundais/libanais, 29 January 2020. FR
- [10] “Le rôle des juridictions financières dans la détection de la corruption”, Cour des Comptes de la Tunisie, 28 November 2019. FR
- [9] “Anti-corruption and Peacekeeping, cases and synergies”, United Nations (UNITAR) Board for Peacekeeping, United Nations Office in Geneva, 18 October 2019. ENG
- [8] “Cases around anti-bribery management systems”, Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime, Jesus College of Cambridge University, 4 September 2019. ENG
- [7] “Higher education and the fight against corruption”, Intervention conjointe avec S.E. M. Miro Cerar, Président du Gouvernement de Slovénie, SEE ACAD Initiative, Ljubljana, 28 October 2018. ENG
- [6] “Corruption and human rights, links and perspectives”, Rapport sur la corruption aux Nations Unies, ROLACC Geneva, 8 May 2017. ENG
- [5] “Londres est-elle vouée à rester n° 1 en FinTech en Europe ?”, Conférence FinTech, PSB Paris School of Business, 1 December 2016. FR
- [4] “Libéralisme et infrastructures ferroviaires”, Colloque Le service public ferroviaire de proximité : approches juridiques et socio-économiques, Faculté de droit de Rouen, 11 March 2014. F
- [3] “Doctrine et droit international public : le cas de Georges Burdeau”, Journée d’étude nationale Constitutions et droit international public, AFDC, Maison des Sciences Économiques de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 14 February 2014. FR
- [2] “Doctrine et droit international public : le cas de Georges Burdeau”, Journée d’étude décentralisée Constitutions et droit international public, AFDC, Faculté de droit de Bordeaux, 15 November 2013. FR
- [1] “L’étude de la doctrine en droit constitutionnel”, Communication au CUREJ (Faculté de droit de l’Université de Rouen), 7 May 2013. FR
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