Espace L3 pro RT / Master 2 CTM – plannings

Planning M2 CTM 2023-2024 


Le planning est susceptible d’être mis à jour fréquemment, merci de vous connecter régulièrement pour consulter les modifications.



Planning L3 pro RT 2023-2024


Le planning est susceptible d’être mis à jour fréquemment, merci de vous connecter régulièrement pour consulter les modifications.



À lire aussi

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Adobe for technical communication training

Posted on 29/03/2023

At Université Paris Cité university, Bachelor and Master technical communication students are trained on technical communication standards, structured authoring methodology, structured languages and content transformation (XML, DITA, XSL…), using leading authoring tools.
Through practical hands-on workshops and projects, led by techcom professionals, students learn how to use the most recognized and renowned authoring tools, thus offering them a diverse set of skills highly appreciated by future employers.
Thanks to the Adobe University Outreach partnership, our students now have access to the Technical Communication Suite free of charge, for the duration of the academic year, giving them access to the most recent versions of FrameMaker, RoboHelp, and Captivate. This is a real plus for this training curriculum that attracts each year more and more candidates, whose high marketability confirms how adequate the learning curriculum is to the needs of future employers.