Measuring Impact: What Makes Good Technical Communication
Technical communicators strive for creating content that is usable and helpful. But how can they be absolutely sure that they’ve been successful in achieving this goal? Join us on February 3rd!
This year, we are happy to welcome speakers from Finland, Poland, Germany, the United States, and France to explore methodologies and tools for measuring and validating quality :
- Systems for gathering user feedback and testing content usability
- Metrics for measuring content performance
- Quality review processes
- Heuristics and standard criteria for checking quality
- Before / after examples of content improvement initiatives
Target Audience
- International researchers and teachers in the domaine of technical communication
- Professionals seeking to be kept abreast of innovations
- Students involved in technical communication
Time & Date
The conference will start as of 11:00am remotely via Zoom on February 3rd, 2023
Attendance is free – Sign up on EventBrite
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