L’événement a lieu en format hybride et est co-organisé par l’UFR LCAO, le CRCAO (UMR 8155), le SIRICE (UMR 8138) et le Centre pour une Histoire de la Philosophie et des Sciences vues d’Asie, d’Afrique du laboratoire SPHERE (UMR 7219). La langue de la conférence est l’anglais. 

Twenty-first-century Japan is known for the world’s most aged population. Faced with this challenge, Japan has been a pioneer in using science to find ways of managing a declining birth rate. Aya Homei’s Science for Governing Japan’s Population (Cambridge University Press, 2022) considers the question of why these population phenomena have been seen as problematic. What roles have population experts played in turning this demographic trend into a government concern? Homei examines the medico-scientific fields around the notion of population that developed in Japan from the 1860s to the 1960s. She argues that the formation of population sciences in modern Japan had a symbiotic relationship with the development of the neologism, “population” (jinkō), and with the transformation of Japan into a modern sovereign power.


Aya Homei is a Reader in Japanese Studies at University of Manchester.


Lien Zoom: https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/82854079281?pwd=K3BQT0NTdFNya1FMd0t1eVdFQUlNZz09
ID de réunion: 828 5407 9281
Code secret: 838483

Date: Jeudi 15 février 2024, de 14h à 16h

Lieu: Université Paris Cité, salle Léon Vandermeersch (481C, 4th floor, building C, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013, Paris)


Renseignements: Ken Daimaru ken.daimaru@u-paris.fr

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