Scholarship for Students of Master level in Graduate School of East Asian Studies, UFR LCAO, academic year 2022-2023

The call for applications is open from the 1st to 30th April 2022, only for students from a country in the European Union or Schengen area.
What is the SMARTS-UP Scholarship ?
The SMARTS-UP programme led by the university Paris Cité, aims to promote the internationalisation of Master’s programmes and to help attract the best international students to constitute a pool of excellent potential future PhD students. In this context, we offer € 8,000 individual scholarships to allow Graduate Schools to welcome international students in their Master’s programmes. The scholarships are awarded for one year. The university Paris Cité is training future scientists and leading experts to thrive as academics or senior executives.
Which Masters are eligible for SMARTS-UP mobility scholarships at the university Paris Cité ?
SMARTS-UP scholarships are intended for international students coming to study at the university Paris Cité in one of the Masters of the Graduate Schools listed here (pages 11 for East Asian Studies).
How much is the scholarship ?
Awardees will receive € 8,000 paid in three instalments. Please note that this award is a scholarship, not a stipend. It is a financial aid to help you study but it will not be sufficient to live in Paris. You will need an additional source of income to cover your stay.
This award cannot be cumulated with another French scholarship. It is awarded for the next academic year only and cannot be postponed.
Who can apply ?
Only students applying for a Master’s programmes listed here (pages 11 for East Asian Studies) are eligible for a SMARTS-UP scholarship.
Eligibility requirements
- Applicants must be international students from a country in the European Union or Schengen area. French citizens are not eligible (including binational or multinational students with a French citizenship).
- Applicants must be new to the French higher education system (exception: international students preparing a joint-degree in collaboration with the university Paris Cité are eligible).
- Applicants should not hold any degree from a French university or institution.
Level of access
- Master 1 (M1) programmes are opened to students holding or currently preparing a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (N.B.: awardees must hold a Bachelor’s degree by the time they join the university Paris Cité in September 2022).
- Master 2 (M2) programmes are opened to students who have completed or are in the process of completing a full-time year of a Master’s programme in related field of study by September 2022.
Eligible students will be ranked based on their academic merits, motivation and performances during possible follow up interviews. The best students will be awarded a one-year scholarship.
How to apply ?
- The call will be opened from the 1st to 30th April 2022 (midnight CET). Applications sent after the deadline will not be considered.
- The admissibility of the applications will be will be checked by the university services, then each Graduate School will assess the candidates.
- Applicants will be informed of the decision by email in June 2022.
- Awardees will join the university Paris Cité in September 2022.
Warning: Laureates will have to acknowledge acceptance of the scholarship within 2 weeks after receiving the confirmation email. In the absence of a timely confirmation, the scholarship will be awarded to the next candidate on the waiting list.
What are the obligations of the laureates ?
Academic obligations
The SMARTS-UP scholarship laureates have the following responsibilities:
- register at the university Paris Cité for the academic year 2022-2023
- be present at the start of their Master’s programme in September 2022 and attend the SMARTS- UP events for laureates
- attend all classes and exams
- answer the follow-up questionnaire that will be sent to them during the course of the curriculum
- register with the Alumni group*
Financial obligations
This scholarship will be paid in a French bank account registered under the awardee’s name after the student has been duly registered at the university Paris Cité.
False declarations
False declarations or falsified documents submitted as part of the SMARTS-UP scholarship application will automatically forfeit the award and could lead to legalactions.
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