Once again this year, the Labex Who Am I? is partnering with the Faculty of Sciences of the Université Paris Cité, the Genetics and Epigenetics New Education (G.E.N.E.) Graduate School, and the Major Research and Innovation Domain BioConvergence for Health (DIM BioConvS) to offer nine events during the Pint of Science festival 2024!

For its 11th French edition, the Pint of Science festival is coming back to the bars from May 13 to 15, 2024! It is a new opportunity to share knowledge and exchange with the general public. This is why we organized nine events, highlighting our research and those who do it within the Labex Who Am I?, the Faculty of Science, G.E.N.E. and the DIM BioConvS.
You will find below the links to the evenings we are offering (7 in French, 2 in English):
Monday, May 13
Guerre contre l’Empire bactérien : nouveaux Jedi
Vieillissement et lésions nerveuses, que faire ?
From genes to behavior: How genes tell our stories
Tuesday, May 14
Microbiote, intestin, cerveau : à votre santé !
La vert-igineuse (im)mobilité des plantes
Infinity’s whimsy: A graphical odyssey
Wednesday, May 15
Mission biothérapie : les médicaments de demain ?
Comprendre les pathogènes pour mieux y faire face
La meilleure bière de ce côté de la galaxie !
More information about the festival and all the events proposed in France: pintofscience.fr
The organizing team :
Project coordinator
DROUET Valérie, Labex Who Am I?
Selection committee and communication
ANDREU Pauline, Faculty of Sciences / DRIVE
KERNER PIerre, Faculty of Sciences
WEITZMAN Jonathan, Epigenetics and Cell Fate center and EUR GENE
Event managers
AMO Angélique, engineer assistant, Epigenetics and Cell Fate center
BERTHELET Jérémy, post-doctoral fellow, Epigenetics and Cell Fate center
CARRILLO Léo, PhD student, Epigenetics and Cell Fate center
EL MERHIE Amira, post-doctoral fellow, Matter and Complex Systems lab
GERMIER Thomas, post-doctoral fellow, Institut Jacques Monod
HENNEMAN Nate, G.E.N.E. mentor, Faculty of Health
LEITE Amélia Maia, research engineer, Laboratory of the Physics of the two Infinities Irène Joliot-Curie
MAILLIEZ Melody, assistant professor, Faculty of Societies and Humanities
PLESSIER Alexandre, support manager for structuring projects, DRIVE
VYDELINGUM Sarodia, scientific mediation officer, Astroparticles and Cosmology lab
Our speakers :
ALEXANDRE Lucile, post-doctoral fellow, Matter and Complex Systems lab, Université Paris Cité
BASAK Dianthe, PhD student, Mathematics Institute of Jussieu–Paris Rive Gauche, Université Paris Cité
BONNIN Delphine, design engineer, Paris Interdisciplinary Energy Research Institute, Université Paris Cité
BULSSICO Julian, post-doctoral fellow, laboratoire Évolution et Ingénierie de Systèmes Dynamiques
ERANTI Pradeep, PhD student, laboratoire Toxicité environnementale, cibles thérapeutiques, signalisation cellulaire, Université Paris Cité
GARCIA-WEBER Diego, assistant professor, Saint Antoine Research Center , EPHE
HAMRAOUI Ahmed, assistant professor, Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences, Université Paris Cité
LACHUER Hugo, post-doctoral fellow, Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité
LEGER Caroline, PhD student, unit of Functional and Adaptive Biology, Université Paris Cité
MARTIN Caitlin, PhD student, Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité
MAZOYER Johan, chercheur, Laboratory of Space Studies and Instrumentation in Astrophysics, CNRS
NASERASR Reza, chercheur, Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale, CNRS
ONIMUS Oriane, PhD student, unit of Functional and Adaptive Biology, Université Paris Cité
PUVANENDRAN Dhenesh, assistant professor, Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Université Paris Cité
RAVIKULARAMAN Sruthi, PhD student, Astroparticles and Cosmology lab, Université Paris Cité
REIGNIER Yannis, PhD student, Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité
RERA Michael, chercheur, Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS
ROLHION Nathalie, chercheuse, Saint Antoine Research Center, INSERM
SALMON Hugo, assistant professor, Matter and Complex Systems lab, Université Paris Cité
SERRADJI Nawal, assistant professor, laboratoire Interfaces, Traitements, Organisation et DYnamique des Systèmes, Université Paris Cité
SYLVAIN-BONFANTI Lucia, PhD student, Paris Interdisciplinary Energy Research Institute & Social Dynamics and Recomposition of Spaces lab, Université Paris Cité
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