Joint Degree in English and American Studies : application, choice of classes and registration

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The JDEAS is managed in the Department of Anglophone Studies by Professor François de Chantal:

Administrative contact

Your primary contact for all administrative questions regarding nomination and MoveOn application, but also housing and enrollment is Ms. Emmanuelle Jego, the International Relations Office of the Faculté Sociétés et Humanités: or

Academic contact

Your primary contact for all questions regarding your classes, your learning agreement, your teaching schedule, etc. is Dr Clemence Follea, senior lecturer in the Department of Anglophone Studies:

Nomination and Moveon application


JDEAS students coming to UPCité for a mobility semester must be nominated by email to their administrative contact in the International Relations Office of the Faculté Sociétés et Humanités, Ms. Emmanuelle Jego: or

– first semester (Fall term) or year: 30th April 2024.
UPDATE: The nomination deadline for first-term and year mobilities has been pushed back to 15th May 2024.
– second semester (Spring term): 15th October 2024

MoveOn Application

After nominations are received, incoming mobility JDEAS students have to apply on the UPC MoveOn portal. You will be sent the link by email, with guidelines on how to apply.

– first semester (Fall term): 15th May 2024
UPDATE: the Moveon applications deadline for first-term and year mobilities has been pushed back to 31st May 2024.
– second semester (Spring term): 30th October 2024

  • Students coming from City College New York must complete the Application for incoming students / International universities / Studies. In the “Educational Background and Requested Stay” tab, for “Framework”, they must choose “Bilatéral Etudes”
  • Students from the other consortium universities must complete the Application for incoming students / Erasmus+ / Studies. In the “Educational Background and Requested Stay” tab, for “Framework”, they must choose Cursus intégré.

As part of the MoveOn application, incoming students can apply for university housing, but note that Université Paris Cité only has very few rooms. For more accomodation options, see the Accomodation webpage.

Official acceptation

Once your application is processed, you will be sent your offical letter of acceptance. Once you are offically enrolled at Université Paris Cité, you will receive your student number and will be able to activate your student account (see below).

Language certificate

For the French language certificate, simply upload a note stating that you are exempt because you plan to take only English-taught classes from the UFR Etudes anglophones. Of course, there is no need for a French language certificate if you want to take French-as-a-foreign-language classes.

Provisional learning agreement (for the Moveon application)

Your MoveOn application will have to include a provisional learning agreement, i.e. the list of classes you would like to attend at Université Paris Cité.

If you don’t already have a learning agreement template, you use those available here.

You can find information about modules in Anglophone Studies here: Please note that catalogues for the next academic year are only updated during the summer; so some changes in the offer might occur.

Please note that, as a JDEAS student, you must try to attend mostly M2 courses whenever possible.

While you need to take the majority of your classes in the UFR Etudes Anglophones, you are also free to select a few modules in other disciplines. To consult the offer available to you please check the websites listed in the section below (« Modules outside of Anglophone Studies »).

Please note that this learning agreement will only be a first draft, used to complete your Moveon application and to give you a first idea of which courses might be of interest for you. Your choice of courses will probably have to evolve based on the department’s new course catalogue (often slightly different from that of the previous year) and on the teaching timetables of our and other departments. New catalogues and timetables are usually issued at the end of the summer. They can then be used to draft a concrete list of the courses you would like to be registered for (see below “Choice of classes for academic registration”).

Before you upload your learning agreement on MoveOn, you need to have it signed by the academic coordinator for incoming students, Dr. Clémence Follea ( and/or by the JDEAS manager at UPCité, Pr François de Chantal (

Revised choice of classes (for academic registration)

Your provisional learning agreement will need to be revised once the semester’s timetables are published (a few weeks before the beginning of term): based on the semester’s timetables you will be required to build your own weekly schedule and define the definitive list of courses you wish to be registered for, avoiding timetable clashes.

This is different from your learning agreement: you can use your LA as a basis but you will now have to consult the semester’s timetables to make sure your classes do not clash and to build yourself a workable weekly schedule. Timetables are usually published a few weeks before the beginning of term.

If you need help for choosing your classes, please contact the JDEAS supervisor in Paris, Prof. François Vergniolle de Chantal, or the academic coordinator for incoming students, Dr. Clémence Follea.

As JDEAS students, you are supposed to take 30 European credits (ECTS). You will mostly attend courses from the UFR Etudes Anglophones (English Department) but you may also take some other courses as free electives.

MA modules in Anglophone Studies

JDEAS students have access to the regular MA classes in Anglophone Studies. To find out more please consult our catalogue of postgraduate and timetables (brochures et emplois du temps M1 – M2).

Please note that, as a JDEAS student, you are strongly encouraged to choose M2 modules. Please select M1 modules only if you can’t find enough M2 modules in the disciplines you need.

Registration can be done in person or by email with Murielle Guillemont, with your student number and a list of your classes, with their code, title and group number if applicable

Modules outside of Anglophone Studies

First of all, please note that you need to take the majority of your classes in the UFR Etudes Anglophones. But, subject to your home university’s agreement, you may also register for modules in French as a foreign langague from the LANSAD (language center) or sports as free electives. More information by following the links below.

Modules in French as a Foreign Language (FLE)

Modules in Sports

Academic calendar

Please scroll down for 2024/25 calendar dates.

Classes normally start mid- September for the 1st semester (Fall term), and mid-January for the 2nd semester (Spring term). Please note that the resit exams for both terms take place at the end of June.

The dates given below correspond to the calendar of the Anglophone Studies Department. Other Departments usually follow a similar calendar – however, please make sure you visit each Department’s webpage to confirm their dates (see the links listed in the section above).

Fall term (first semester) 2024/25

Classes start on 16th September 2024. Please note that registration for classes usually takes place one or two weeks before the beginning of classes.

Autumn holiday: 28th October to 3rd November 2024

Last week of class: week of 9th December 2024

Exam session: 16th to 20th December 2023 + 6th to 10th January 2025

December holiday: 20th December 2024 to 6th January 2025

** Note on exams: for some classes all the evaluation is done in classes during term, while for others exams take place after term. Your instructor will explain whether or not you have to sit an exam in December/January. If as an international student, you already know you won’t be in Paris in January, please let your teachers know as soon as possible, so they can arrange an alternative.

Spring term (second semester) 2024/25

Classes start on 20th January 2024. Please note that registration for classes usually takes place one or two weeks before the beginning of classes.

February holiday: 24th February to 2nd March 2025

Easter holiday: 12th April to 28th April 2025

Last week of class: week of 28th April 2025

Exams: 5th May to 16th May 2025

** Note on exams: for some classes all the evaluation is done in classes during term, while for others exams take place after term. Your instructor will explain whether or not you have to sit an exam in May. If as an international student, you already know you won’t be in Paris in May, please let your teachers know as soon as possible, so they can arrange an alternative.

Re-sits (both terms) 2024/25

The re-sit exams FOR BOTH TERMS will take place from 10th to 27th June 2025. If, as an international student, you already know you won’t be in Paris by this time, please let your teachers know as soon as possible, so they can arrange (online) alternatives if it turns out that you do need a re-sit.

Welcome Week

The 2024-25 first-term Welcome Week will be taking place from 9th to 13th September 2024. The program isn’t available yet.

Attendance is strongly recommended – on top of meeting other students, you will be given information on life on campus, on social security, on Parisian life, etc.

During the welcome week, the International Office of the Faculté SH will provide your student card as well as valuable information about your mobility.

If you cannot attend the welcome week, please write to your administrative contact ( for Erasmus and bilateral mobility students, for MICEFA and Study Abroad Students), so they can give you your student’s card.



Students' services

Student account

Once you receive your student number, you must activate your electronic student account

This will give you access to the whole range of student electronic services, including Mon Dossier Web (grades, registration status, certificate of school attendance….), the Moodle class platform, your student email service, and distant access to library services.

Access more information on your personal student account:

Electronic services

Find out about the whole range of electronic services for Université Paris Cité students:


You can find some information about accommodation here:


Visit the FAQ on student services:

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