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Isabelle Léglise

F3S representative

Sociolinguistic - F3S and SeDyL


Isabelle Léglise represents the Fédération F3S (Sciences Sociales au Sud) on GRIP’s CODIR. This federation brings together social science laboratories in Paris that are supervised by the IRD and address major issues in the South and on a global scale: education, health, migration and circulation, identities, knowledge, urban and territorial dynamics, inequalities and work. Isabelle Léglise is a CNRS research director at SeDyL (UMR 8202 CNRS-INALCO-IRD), which she co-directs. She uses the frameworks of linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis to address the issue of languages and multilingualism in French Guiana, Brazil and Surinam, particularly in the fields of education and health, and within transnational families. In the Amazon, as in South-East Asia (Cambodia), she is particularly involved in cooperation and empowerment projects – being particularly sensitive to the geopolitics of knowledge production and the theories of the South. GRIP’s Axis 2 provides a stimulating framework for interdisciplinary exchanges in her work on the movement of people, norms and knowledge.