Preparation for National Exams
The Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations offers accredited exam preparation courses.

Preparation for the External CAPES Chinese Exam
Preparation for the Agrégation Exam
Chinese (Internal & External)
Head of Program
M. Victor Vuilleumier :
Université Paris Cité and INALCO organize preparation sessions for the Chinese Agrégation exam (internal and external). The preparation classes are also open to candidates who wish to sit the exam at a later date. The aim is to prepare candidates to sit the exam by working with them on methodology, Chinese linguistics, modern and classical literature, history, translation techniques (into and out of Chinese) and speaking. The course is also geared to all learners of Chinese, including teachers who wish to add to their career by developing their skills.
A description of the various entrance exams is available at
M1 or CAPES. TCF 6 (or DALF) for candidates without a diploma issued by a French school. Very high level of Chinese (written, spoken and read).
Registration (in French)
Information and Contacts ;
Japanese (Internal & External)
Head of Program
Mme Hiroko OSHIMA :
President of the Agrégation Jury , Mme Anne Bayard-Sakai :
An Agrégation program and a CAPES program are available in Japanese. The last sitting of the Agrégation exam was postponed in 2018. However, candidates may apply to take the test next year. One post was made available for the CAPES entrance exam in 2017-2018, but three posts were planned for the year before, which was the inaugural year of the exam. We do not have any visibility for 2019. Despite the uncertainty, master’s students are encouraged to sign up for the preparation sessions to take the exam as they offer many interesting career opportunities. M1 and M2 students are eligible to take the CAPES exam.
Postes et contrat offerts aux concours de la session 2020 :
- Agrégation
Préparation au concours
La préparation de ces concours a lieu dans le cadre du Master cohabilité avec l’INALCO. Il conviendra de consulter la brochure de Master pour connaître le détail de cette préparation.
En l’absence de Master MEEF pour le japonais, un accompagnement pédagogique sera proposé aux candidats dans le cadre des cours du Master. Celui-ci sera articulé autour de trois enseignements :
Notions-clés pour l’enseignement du japonais dans le secondaire et entraînement aux épreuves du concours (9 heures) Jean Bazantay (INALCO). L’accès à cet enseignement pour les étudiants de Paris Diderot sera confirmé à la rentrée.
Présentation des oeuvres littéraires au programme Le programme de littérature sera abordé dans le cadre du cours de Mme Bayard-Sakai (INALCO) ouvert aux étudiants de M1 et de M2.
Atelier d’écriture et entraînement à la présentation en japonais. Dans le cadre du cours de perfectionnement linguistique de M1, Mme Nakajima proposera un entraînement à la rédaction et à l’exposé en japonais.
Registration (in French)
Preparation for Language Tests
TOPIK II – Test of Proficiency in Korean
Test of Proficiency in Korean
TOPIK | Test of Proficiency in Korean | 한국어능력시험초급
Do you want to study at a Korean university ?
Do you want to receive a scholarship from the Korean government ?
Do you want to do your internship in Korea ?
Do you want to work in Korea ?
You will need to get at least a level 3 on the TOPIK II exam. Below is a list of classes with an experienced teacher that you can take to prepare for the exam in five weeks.
Program Outline
16 hrs. of classes across 10 sessions from September 6 to October 7, 2021
Two sessions per week (Monday and Thursday)
Level 2 of TOPIK I
Students and Workers : €280
Employers (with financial assistance) : €500
Registration (in French)
Anne Higton
Preparing for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test – Level 4
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test 日本語能力試験, Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken
The Department offers a university diploma in Japanese, which is open to all interested people who wish to prepare for the JLPT for professional reasons or to study abroad in Japan.
> Registration (in French)