Academic year 2022-2023

The SMARTS-UP program of the Université Paris Cité aims to promote the internationalization of Master’s courses and to attract the best foreign students. For 2022-2023, 120 grants of 8,000 € are available for incoming foreign students in the various Masters programs. The grants are awarded for one year.

Apply by January 16th 2022 at 5 pm at the latest!



  • Students must be of foreign nationality and newcomers to a French university. Foreign students must not hold a French national higher education diploma
  • Candidates with dual nationality, if they have French nationality, are not eligible.
  • Students applying to the Master 1 program must hold a foreign degree equivalent to a French Licence.
  • Students applying for a Master 2 must hold a foreign degree equivalent to a French Master 1.
  • Students must be French-speaking (most of the teaching is in French), minimum level B2

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