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From September 4 to September 8, the Paris Graduate School of Linguistics organizes LingFest, an intensive training in the main subfields of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, linguistic typology) as preparation for entering MA-level...

Start of the year 2023

Start of the year 2023

Information meetings will take place on Friday Sept 1st, for all the programs at the UFR de linguistique. Here are the timetables.Students entering directly into the M1 program must pass a linguistics placement test, to be assigned to the "blue" or "green"...

UFRL Movie

UFRL Movie

Discover some aspects of teaching at the UFRL (undergrad level, in French) here Read more

PGSL Mentoring

PGSL Mentoring

© Université Paris Cité The master students are members of PGSL which organizes various activities, including an outing to the forest of Fontainebleau on Saturday, April 23.https://paris-gsl.org/PGSL organizes a mentoring program that is...