Internship procedure
General information on internships for students of Université Paris Cité
See the general information page on internships at UPCité.
You will find the specific modalities according to the year and the specialty concerned by following this link: specific modalities.
You can find additional information on your rights and obligations by clicking on this link: rights and obligations of internships.
Finding an intership
Think about meeting the people in charge of orientation and professional integration at the Pôle de l’Orientation et de la Professionnalisation who can answer your questions, guide you in finding an internship or help you with the administrative formalities.
The choice of the internship is made in agreement with the person in charge of the year’s pedagogical program, who is the teacher-referent (enseignant-référent).
The search for an internship is the responsibility of the students, who must actively seek out companies, schools, researchers and professors.
You will find on this page the few internships offered at the UFR of Linguistics: list of internship offers.
- Fill in the internship agreement (“convention de stage” in French) using the ESUP-Stage application.
Useful links:- Practical information sheet for completing the “convention de stage” : FICHE_Aide_saisie_convention_ESUP-Stage.docx
- To count the number of working hours of the whole internship :
Enter the start and end dates of the internship in the table on the website: If your internship is full-time: number of working days*7= total number of hours.
- If your internship is part-time:
- calculate the nb of hours if the internship were full time
- and multiply it to the ratio of hours worked per week.
- For example: your internship begins on October 3, 2016 and ends on February 2, 2017, and you will work 20 hours per week:
- 87 working days* 7 hours = 609 full-time hours
- 609 * (20/35) = a total of 348 hours
- Before having the “convention” signed by the various signatories, send a draft version downloaded from Pstage to the UFRL administration office (saida.brinis at, who will check its conformity.
Once it is approved by Mme Brinis, have it signed in that order:- Yourself
- Your “enseignant référent” (usually the professor in charge of your parcours)
- At the organisation hosting the internship: by your tutor and by the organisation’s legal representative.
- NB: The signatures can be electronic, otherwise you need to print three exemplars and have them all signed.
- Special case of an internship in a research laboratory at UPCité: the host organisation in this case is the Université Paris Cité, and the signing representative is the director of the laboratory. So, for example, for an internship at LLF:
Address : 85 boulevard Saint Germain 75006 PARIS FRANCE
N° Siret/UAI : 13002573700011
Represented by (name of the representative of the host organisation or the person delegated to sign the agreement) :
Position of representative: laboratory director
Name of the department/laboratory where the work placement will be carried out: LABORATOIRE DE LINGUISTIQUE FORMELLE
Tel : 01 57 27 82 49 E-mail :
Place of internship (if different from the organisation’s address): Olympe de gouges 8, rue Albert Einstein 75013 PARIS FRANCE - Send the signed version to the UFRL administration office, together with your social security certificate and civil liability certificate (stating “covered for the duration of the internship”).
The UFRL’s Office will have the agreement signed by the UFRL Director (the delegated representative who signs the agreement), will validate the agreement on the Pstage application, and will return the validated, signed agreement to you. - Finally, send the agreement, signed by all parties, to your host organisation.
The internship cannot begin until all the parties have signed. You need to allow sufficient time to obtain all the signatures.