Junior Research Chair in « Stem cells in reproduction » for the Women’s Health Institute
General goals
As part of the ExcellenceS program, the Women’s Health Institute of Université Paris Cité is launching this call for applications to:
- Enable young researchers to set up and lead a group within a French research team affiliated to the Women’s Health Institute of Université Paris Cité. The purpose of the group thus created will be to reinforce the host team’s research program by developing their own themes independently and collaboratively.
- Promote mobility and attract young top managers.
- Develop new research activities and expertise within the Université Paris Cité scope.
ExcellenceS – Women’s Health Institute support is for 3 years.
It is open to young researchers of any nationality. The program is open to all researchers and teacher-researchers, whatever their affiliation, and to non-tenured researchers.
Allocated resources
A total of 360 k€ will be allocated over 3 years, which can be spent on salaries, endowments and equipment.
The salary for the non-permanent laureate is included in this budget (depending on experience).
If the candidate already holds a position, the budget can be used to recruit staff to support the Chair (post-doc – engineer…).
A supplementary welcome package of €100K may be offered.
Applicants must identify a host team within the Université Paris Cité perimeter affiliated to the Women’s Health Insitute (list in appendix[i]), contact researchers from this team before submitting their application, and include a commitment to welcome in their application. The host team must provide the Chairholder with research premises compatible with the ambition of the proposed project (installation costs will be borne by the host team), and ensure access to the site’s technological platforms.
The laureate agrees to take up his or her new position no later than 9 months after the notification by the Institute.
Scope of the « stem cells in reproduction chair »
The development of human pluripotent stem cells, derived from individuals or genetically modified with disease-related mutations, have revolutionized knowledge of human diseases and enabled the development of new therapeutic approaches. The development of human embryonic or trophoblast stem cells and the development of organoids from these cells open new perspectives in the study of implantation and early maternal-fetal interactions, in the understanding of placental diseases, and in the identification of new therapeutic approaches to pregnancy pathologies.
Due to these major challenges, Université Paris Cité wishes to reinforce its research strengths on the contribution of stem cells to the field of reproduction, from conception to birth.
Key themes
The project presented may focus on all aspects concerning the applications of stem cells and organoids in the field of human reproduction. It will aim in particular to:
- Develop study models to better understand the mechanisms involved in conception, implantation, placental development, and human parturition.
- Identify new biomarkers as predictive or diagnostic tools for implantation failures and pregnancy complications (pre-eclampsia, intra-uterine growth restriction, prematurity, early or late fetal loss)
- To develop new therapeutic approaches for implantation failures and pregnancy complications.
Methodological approach
Candidates must detail in their project:
- The methodological approaches chosen to develop stem cells and organoids.
- Methods for using stem cells and organoids
- Collaborations to be developed within Université Paris Cité
The feasibility of the project must be clearly addressed
An educational project related to the theme of the Chair is not required for this research Chair, but could be an asset.
Eligibility requirements
– Hold a PhD or equivalent in a field relevant to the Chair’s field.
– Minimum of 2 years after PhD graduation
– No age or nationality requirements
– Fluent in French or English
Selection process
Projects will be evaluated by an independent scientific committee.
Selection will take place in two stages: a pre-selection based on applications (June/July 2024), followed by an audition for pre-selected candidates (September/October 2024).
The selection criteria will be as follows :
- Quality of the applicant (background and scientific output)
- Scientific quality and feasibility of the project
- Contribution to the Women’s Health Institute and Université Paris Cité environment : coherence and added value
Application files
– Online submission before 12:00, May 13, 2024
– Send to email address: atrium.sante-femmes@u-paris.fr
– Must include:
- Application form completed; empty standard application form available at: Chaire Sante des femmes StemCells_application form_VF
- Letter of commitment from the prospective host research team (affiliated with Women’s Health Institute – Université Paris Cité) which describes the terms of integration of the person applying for the chair and the added value of the project for the Institute and the university.
– An email confirming receipt of the file is sent to each candidate within 72 hours after submission.
For further information, please contact: atrium.sante-femmes@u-paris.fr
[i] List of research teams affiliated to the Women’s Health Institute updated on March 20, 2024
Research project managers of the Women’s Health Institute: Pr. Vassilis Tsatsaris and Dr. Catherine Deneux-Tharaux

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