1 rue Laurent Fries 67404 Illkirch-Graffenstaden
Join the European Islet Study Group workshop in Strasbourg, France, and virtually!
The aim of this Islet Study Group workshop is to encourage research on diabetes and support the rapid diffusion of acquired knowledge in the specific fields of the development of the pancreas and the beta cell, the function of the Langerhans islet, the regeneration of islet cells and the links between impaired islet function and diabetes.
After being postponed twice due to Covid, this annual workshop is back on June 13th-15th, 2022 at IGBMC, Strasbourg-France and is organised by Raphaël Scharfmann (Research director, Institut Cochin, Paris and member of the Islet Study Group Board), Philippe Froguel (Professor, EGID Lille, Imperial College London) and Gérard Gradwohl (Research director, IGBMC, Strasbourg).
The workshop will be in-person, with oral presentations and poster sessions.
We organize a virtual option to listen to conferences for those unable to join in-person. Sessions are not recorded.
Slots are available for short talks for in-person workshop attendees only, based on abstract submission.
A poster session (in-person only) is also included in the programme.
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