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Petia Koleva

Petia Koleva is an economist at the Université Paris Cité and a member of the UMR LADYSS (Laboratoire Dynamiques sociales et recomposition des espaces). Her involvement in GRIP is an extension of her involvement in the Sociétés Plurielles Interdisciplinary Programme (funded by IdEX USPC), of which she was a member of the Bureau, the Steering Committee and responsible for one of the three scientific axes. Her research focuses on borderline issues in the social sciences – such as transition and corporate social responsibility – which she analyses in the light of institutionalist perspectives in economics, sociology and management sciences. Within GRIP’s Axis 2, she is particularly interested in the circulation of global norms related to sustainable development and their anchoring in organisations and territories. Her recent publications include the book Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development: South-North Perspectives published in 2021 (in collaboration with Y. Sadik).

Petia Koleva is also co-director of the Graduate School “Sustainability, Organisations and Institutions” at the Université Paris Cité, which is supported by GRIP.

Link to the institutional page of P. Koleva: https://www.ladyss.com/koleva-petia

Contact: petia.koleva@u-paris.fr