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Amel Ben Rouhma

Amel Ben Rhouma, PhD in management sciences (Accounting, Auditing and Control) from the IAE of the University of Nice, Associate professor at the University of Paris (Ex-Paris Descartes) and researcher at the Center for Business Law and Management (CEDAG EA 15 16). His research focuses on sustainable development accounting and CSR/climate reporting and more broadly on social responsibility, governance and diversity management strategies for companies and organizations. She is interested in the study of CSR practices and CSR reporting in different contexts of developed and developing countries. She also participated to the INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY BAROMETER: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF 11 COUNTRIES. She is also responsible for the professional bachelor’s degree in international business applied to sustainability. She is member of the local scientific council of the IUT of Paris. She was responsible for CSR reporting at the Observatory on Corporate Social Responsibility (ORSE) and participates regularly to CSR reporting verification sessions within the French network of UN GLOBAL COMPACT. Since 2020, she has been a member of axis 2 of the Global Research Institute of Paris (GRIP) and co-head of axis 1 – institutional dynamics of the project Companies, Standards and Territories in Globalisation : a critical examination of the CSR movement based on Southern experiences.