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Marine Al Dahdah

Marine Al Dahdah is a sociologist, a CNRS permanent researcher at the Center for studies of social movements (CEMS-EHESS) & in Unit 1276 “Risks, Violences, Reparation” of the French National health and medical research body (Inserm). She is an associate researcher at Paris University (UParis) and at the Center for Human Sciences (CSH) in Delhi (India). Her research focuses on health policies in Asia and Africa and more particularly of digital health in India, Ghana and Kenya. She recently published “From Evidence-Based to Market-Based Health: Itinerary of a Mobile (for) Development Project”Science, Technology, & Human Values, 21 January 2019, “Between Philanthropy and Big Business: The Rise of MHealth in the Global Health Market”Development and Change, 28 March 2019. Since 2014, she has worked to achieve international critical recognition of the field of « Digital studies in the Global South », and has recently co-edited a special issue dedicated to this field of expertise in Science, Technology and Society « Technologies without Borders? The Digitization of Society in a Postcolonial World » 25/3, November 2020More info here : http://cems.ehess.fr/index.php?4479