The seminar / webinar labeled GRIP and coordinated by Maud Laëthier and Julien Mallet launches its new program 2022-2023! The next session will take place on Monday, 7th November, 2022 between 2 and 4 PM.

This year, the seminar proposes to extend the reflection by exploring the variations of the notion of “trace”. It will compare archives and performed memories; the objective is to question the writings / staging of the other, of oneself as well as the construction of knowledge. What is at stake in the transmission of landmarks, testimonies, stories according to/against so-called historical knowledge or by oral and action memories will be at the center of our attention.

7th November 2022

Speaker : Nicolas Prevot (LESC CREM, Université Paris Nanterre)

Title : Musiques du monde, monde de Nanterre : parcours de vie, entre archives filmées et mémoires performées.

Time : Between 2 and 4 PM

Place : Université Paris-Cité Place Paul Ricoeur 75013 Paris, Bâtiment Olympe-de-Gouges, salle 117

Link :
ID de réunion : 841 5445 8168 Code secret : 966479

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