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Thomas Lamarche

Thomas Lamarche is a member of GRIP’s Axis 2. He is Professor of Economics at Université Paris Cité. He is a researcher at UMR Ladyss (Laboratoire dynamique sociale et recomposition des espaces), of which he is director.
Thomas Lamarche works within the framework of a meso-economic analysis whose aim is to account for the relative autonomy of certain spaces (sectors, territories, professions, etc.) in the long-term dynamics of capitalism. He is particularly interested in the emergence of new economic models that are resistant to crisis, and in the way in which certain spaces with autonomy within capitalism (notably cooperatives and the local social economy) are being constructed. He is interested in the dynamics of sustainable development, particularly their territorial dimension, and the citizen mobilizations that drive them. As such, he is one of the co-founders of the Manufacture coopérative, whose aim is to support the creation of activities by thinking about what is a factor in emancipation. He is editor-in-chief of the Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, Institutions, Pouvoirs.