Linglunch : instructions

Some indications for the speakers of the « LingLunch seminar, Université Paris Cité »


© Université Paris Cité


  • The audience is composed of linguists, but they may be specialists in different areas of the field (from history of grammar to NLP, from phonetics to pragmatics, from formal linguistics to acquisition…). Please take this into account when preparing your talk.
  • The session lasts exactly one hour: we start at 12 sharp and finish at 1 PM. To allow for the most possible interaction, it is best to prepare a standard talk, namely between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on the degree of interaction expected. It is not forbidden to present a talk “formatted” for one full hour, with the risk that the feedback will be less, and that interruptions may prevent the talk from reaching its end.
  • Abstract: it is not necessary to provide an abstract, but it is possible to post any related material (abstract, paper, slides, hand-out) on the website. It is advisable to provide a paper version of the slides/handout. The average audience is around 30 participants. Let us know whether you plan to use a slide presentation.
  • Each week, we repost the Linglunch programme, via a message to the “UFR Linguistique”, as well as to a number of people who have asked to be kept informed. We can add any person to this mailing list.
  • We’d appreciate that you provide a “short bio” (at most 3 lines) to help people get an idea of where you come from and what your research topics are.
  • If you wish, you may more widely advertise a specific talk. In this case, please make sure that the following website url is provided:
  • Although these meetings are called ‘lunches’, most people prefer to have a ‘real’ lunch at the cafeteria after the Linglunch (French tradition, no doubt!).

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