Quand :
24 janvier 2023 – 25 janvier 2023 Jour entier
Où :
Institut Curie & Institut Henri Poincaré
11-13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris
Workshop "Inhomogeneous random systems" @ Institut Curie & Institut Henri Poincaré

L’objectif de ce workshop annuel est de réunir des mathématiciens et des physiciens travaillant sur les systèmes désordonnés ou aléatoires, et de discuter des développements récents sur des thèmes d’intérêt commun. Chaque jour est consacré à un sujet spécifique.


Le Workshop annuel « Inhomogeneous random systems » se tiendra le 24 & 25 janvier 2023.


Tuesday 24 JanuaryPoint processes and statistical mechanics.
        Moderator: Alessandra Faggionato (Roma)

Nontrivial geometrical patterns emerge in many areas of science and technology and a fundamental tool for their modeling is provided by point processes. Their zoology is very rich and a central role is played by the Poisson point process. The workshop aims at presenting recent results on point processes both of theoretical nature (analysis, geometry and probability) and more applied ones, notably in the direction of statistical mechanics and material science.
There will also be a moment in memory of our friend and colleague Francis Comets.

Speakers: Alessandra Faggionato (Roma), Antoine Gloria (Paris & Bruxelles), Frank den Hollander (Leiden), Martin Huesmann (Muenster), Sabine Jansen (Muenchen), Raphaël Lachièze-Rey (Paris), Giovanni Peccati (Luxembourg).

Titles and abstracts

Wednesday 25 JanuaryFree probability, between maths and physics.
        Moderator: Jorge Kurchan (Paris)

Free probability is a flourishing field in probability theory. It deals with non-commutative random variables where one introduces the concept of «freeness» in analogy to «independence» of commuting random variables. On the mathematical side, it has given new tools and a deeper insight into, amongst others, the field of random matrices. On the physics side, it has recently appeared naturally in the context of quantum chaos, where all its implications have not yet been fully worked out.

Speakers: Denis Bernard (Paris), Jean-Philippe Bouchaud (Paris), Laura Foini (Saclay), Alice Guionnet (Lyon), Frédéric Patras (Nice), Marc Potters (Paris), Roland Speicher (Saarbrücken).

Titles and abstracts

Program of the two days

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