Entrepreunarial change making

Résumé de la formation

Passionate about sustainability ? Eager to develop a sustainable business idea ? Starting online in mid-October 2024, the new edition of the Circle U. Entrepreneurial Change-making, is designed for you! Open to all MA and PhD students, Entrepreneurial Change-making is a course that covers innovation and entrepreneurship to tackle major social, economic, and environmental challenges.
Open to all PhD students, Entrepreneurial Change-making is a course that covers innovation and entrepreneurship to tackle major social, economic, and environmental challenges with highlights like :
• Online seminars by professors from various European universities and having very varied expertise
• Multicultural and multidisciplinary student teams
• Team facilitators guiding your business idea design
• Present your idea at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
See detals here https://www.circle-u.eu/events/2024/entrepreneurial-change-making.html


The aim of this course is to equip students to become entrepreneurial change-makers. More specifically, we train the students to include sustainability and the green transition into the development of entrepreneurial projects. This includes measurable sustainable metrics. The students will be learning relevant tools while working in multidisciplinary and international teams. Using critical thinking approach and the flipped classroom method, students learn more specifically to identify and critically evaluate sustainable innovation issues within various scenarios, utilizing a wide range of techniques, concepts and models, and then come up with and present innovative solutions and a full business model using an entrepreneurial mindset.

Full Schedule of  the webminars (on Wednesday from 5:30 to 8 PM)
Weeks- Dates Themes Lecturers
W1 – 16 Oct. 2024 Kick-off Meeting All professors
W2 – 23 Oct. 2024 What is innovation and how can it tackle societal challenges Markus Bugge and colleagues (University of Oslo)
W3 – 30 Oct. 2024 Social Entrepreneurship Vesna Damjanovic and colleagues (University of Serbia)
W4 – 6   Nov. 2024 How could change-makers transform ideas into full sustainable business models? Amélie Jacquemain (UCLouvain)
W5 – 13 Nov. 2024 How could change-makers help designing sustainable healthcare solutions ? Business models? Viktoria Nagy (UCLouvain)
W6 – 20 Nov. 2024 How innovation can be used to support the green transition ? Morten Foss (Aarhus University)
W7 – 27 Nov. 2024 n what extent AI could be used at the center of/through entrepreneurial project ? Nicolas Loménie (Université Paris Cité)
W8 – 4 Dec. 2024 How could change-makers help meeting the challenges faced by the agrculture sector and rural areas ? healthcare solutions ? Business models? Alessio Cavicchi and colleagues (University of Pisa)


Formateurs et formatrices

Associate Professor Markus Bugge and Caspar Philip Price Halfsund, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo
Associate Professor Amélie Jacquemin, Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain
Senior Researcher Morten Foss, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University
Professor Nicolas Loménie, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Université Paris Cité
Professor Vesna Damnjanović, Department of Marketing Management and Public Relations, University of Belgrade
Viktoria Nagy, Louvain Learning Lab, UCLouvain
Professor Alessio Cavicchi and Annapia Ferrara, University of Pisa
Clara Conrad-Billroth, University of Vienna

Informations pratiques

Email (contact pédagogique) : nicolas.lomenie@u-paris.fr
For registration, please send your motivation letter to your local coordinator (nicolas.lomenie@u-paris.fr). The deadline for registration is 16 September 2024. Information regarding admission will be sent out no later than 23 September.
Dates prévisionnelles : The programme starts on 16th of October 2024. It runs fully online. It is a two-hour and a half webinar on every Wednesday from 5:30 to 8 PM CET. It ends with a compulsory final event in Louvain (Belgium) on 9–13 December 2024.
Lieu : Fully on line till a compulsory final event in Louvain (Belgium) on 9–13 December 2024.
Durée : 16/10/2024 – 13/12/2024
Pré-requis : English




16/10/2024 – 13/12/2024







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