Online visibility with the Open Science practices : live workshop

Summary of the course

What are the different strategies, options and tools to promote online identity? This workshop allows PhD students to assess their online visibility as a researcher in order to choose and develop appropriate and relevant strategies to make their work easily accessible across various networks. This module will help PhD students reinforce their ability to understand the use of the various online IDs, to differentiate generalized vs specialized social networks and to develop online visibility strategies in relation with Open Science practices.


Few days before the session, participants will be invited to conduct a “self-diagnosis” of their online visibility that aims at assessing their online identity as a PhD student and identifying resources to foster their identity. Designed as a practical workshop, this module is delivered remotely on the Zoom application. The participants will be able to interact with each other through collective activities (battle of social networks).

Module program:

  • Introduction (What are we talking about? & feedback on self-diagnosis)
  • Typical Profiles and Tools
  • Being identified online and disseminating publications
  • Building a professional network
  • Collective activity: Battle of tools to maximize your online visibility (the open archive HAL vs Academic Social Networks vs General Social Networks)
  • Debriefing the “battle”
  • Popularizing and Sharing Your Research: A Diversity of Media


  • Conducting a “self-diagnosis” of your online visibility
  • Identifying different digital IDs to promote your online visibility
  • Identifying and using relevant social networks (generalized vs specialized)
  • Implementing your own online visibility strategies in relation to open science practices


  • Direction générale déléguée des bibliothèques et musées

Practical information

No sessions this semester






Online (Zoom)



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Format : Présentiel et distanciel
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