Open Science : Introductory Webinar

Summary of the course

The Open Science approach includes all practices that promote accessibility and transparency at all levels of academic research (data, methods, results, and publication). This approach is presented in the context of the PhD project.

Throughout the Open Science course, participants will learn the notion, the guidelines, and tools in order to acquire the practices of Open Science. Following the starter webinar is strongly recommended to follow the other 7 modules of the course:

  • Module OCS11 – Scientific Integrity with the Open Science perspective
  • Module OCS12 – Developing an Open Science publishing strategy
  • Module OCS13 – Impact of publications with the Open Science perspective (i.e., bibliometrics)
  • Module OCS14 – Managing your research data with the Open Science practices
  • Module OCS15 – Managing your research with a data management plan : live workshop: live workshop 
  • Module OCS16 – Online visibility with the Open Science practices : live workshop
  • Module OCS17 – Deposit in the national open archive HAL


This introduction course offers a broad overview of Open Science with a transdisciplinary point of view: the premises, hopes, core values and present initiatives to promote openness in research; and will discuss scientific, economical and societal issues related to Open Science. Short interactive activities allow the participants to express themselves and to better integrate the knowledge.


  • Clarifying the definition, goals, and challenges of Open Science
  • Being aware of the consequences of the challenges of Opens Science for academic research
  • Identifying the main references and tools to practice Open Science
  • Converting these knowledge and skills into concrete actions in your own PhD project


  • Direction générale déléguée des bibliothèques et musées

Practical information

No sessions this semester









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